Daily Archives: June 7, 2017

Pittsburgh, Paris, and Politics

Please indulge me as I begin with something really frivolous and unimportant, but maddening at the same time…just need to cleanse myself of this.  I mean, I would really love to just ignore that skank Kathy Griffin, but my ire is getting the better of me….as it often does.  The stunt Griffin pulled, holding up a bloody replica of a beheaded Donald Trump, ISIS style, is completely emblematic of the psychotic, unhinged Left…still mired in an endless sweaty nightmare where Donald Trump ACTUALLY occupies the White House.  And while there was seemingly universal outrage initially, there has been a rush of Libs now DEFENDING her, ex post facto.  Shocker. Then, some stunningly asinine press conference where she says the Trump family is trying to destroy her life.  Now, THAT’s funny.  Oh yeah, and this too…her video “apology,” which she delivered sans makeup.  Now, I’m typically all for the natural look, but for her, one piece of advice…stick with the Loreal, bitch.  There, I feel cleansed.  Now, as our friend Kathy is busy making all the final funeral arrangements for her career, I shall gleefully proceed with my normal, weekly Lib bashing… Continue reading