Monthly Archives: June 2017

The Violent Left

The shooting of Congressman Steve Scalise (R-LA), House Majority Whip, represents a frightening advance in the evolution of Far Left violence against Republicans and Conservatives, or really, anyone that dares not bow at the altar of Progressive Groupthink.  And while I am loathe to even say this out loud…President Trump ought not leave the White House premises without being draped in Kevlar…AND a bulletproof limousine for additional prophylactic effect. Typically, such visceral hatred for another human being is reserved for murderous dictators, serial killers…and of course, every terrorist on the planet.  I mean, the crazy Libs liken President Trump to Hitler ad nauseam, do they not?  And seemingly every day, this hatred is morphing into a sickening violence…at Fascist college campuses where conservatives dare not speak, at faux George Soros funded Leftist Hippie protests…or simply some poor schmuck that decides to take an afternoon stroll while donning a bright red “Make America Great Again” hat…and gets the crap beat out of him by some “inclusive and tolerant” Libtard. Continue reading

“You’re Fired!”

That Jim Comey sure as hell wastes no time.  About three nanoseconds after his testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee ended last week, it was reported he was on the cusp of a ten million dollar book deal.  As usual, it’s all about the Benjamin’s.  And I have a great title for it…”Sweet Revenge.” Let’s see…Trump, of course, holds the top spot on the revenge hit parade for the humiliating firing of Comey, like he was a contestant on “The Apprentice – FBI Edition,” followed by former Obama Administration Attorney General Loretta Lynch, who he completely threw under a parade of Greyhounds.  And last but not least, the lying, leg-wetting liberal loons of the mainstream media…the very people he used as a tool for his leaks…gleefully bestowing upon them the “Fake News” moniker.  And if I hear one more time about Jim Comey’s “integrity,” I’m gonna lose my lunch.  This guy has proven himself to be a self-absorbed political hack who leaks more than a busted pipe.  Jim Comey is all about Jim Comey.  All “Gee Whiz” and “Lordy” on the outside, conniving and deceitful on the inside…the political equivalent of Eddie Haskell. Continue reading

Pittsburgh, Paris, and Politics

Please indulge me as I begin with something really frivolous and unimportant, but maddening at the same time…just need to cleanse myself of this.  I mean, I would really love to just ignore that skank Kathy Griffin, but my ire is getting the better of me….as it often does.  The stunt Griffin pulled, holding up a bloody replica of a beheaded Donald Trump, ISIS style, is completely emblematic of the psychotic, unhinged Left…still mired in an endless sweaty nightmare where Donald Trump ACTUALLY occupies the White House.  And while there was seemingly universal outrage initially, there has been a rush of Libs now DEFENDING her, ex post facto.  Shocker. Then, some stunningly asinine press conference where she says the Trump family is trying to destroy her life.  Now, THAT’s funny.  Oh yeah, and this too…her video “apology,” which she delivered sans makeup.  Now, I’m typically all for the natural look, but for her, one piece of advice…stick with the Loreal, bitch.  There, I feel cleansed.  Now, as our friend Kathy is busy making all the final funeral arrangements for her career, I shall gleefully proceed with my normal, weekly Lib bashing… Continue reading