Jumping The Shark

As it relates to the coverage of President Trump, the liberal mainstream media has clearly Jumped The Shark.  Huh?  Well, some of you may be too young to comprehend such a dated cultural reference.  Briefly as I can…There was a very popular sitcom back in the 70’s called “Happy Days” that was set in the 50’s, and there was a character by the name of Arthur Fonzarelli…affectionately known as The Fonz.  So, The Fonz was the coolest guy in town…leather jacket, rode a motorcycle, chicks loved him…the whole nine yards…sort of the opposite of me. Anyway, many years into the show, they had a ridiculous episode where The Fonz was going to jump his bike over a tank full of sharks, a la Evel Knievel.  That premise was so ridiculous, that the show was never the same subsequent to that…surely, the beginning of the end for Happy Days.  The Urban Dictionary defines Jumping The Shark as “The precise moment when you know something or someone has taken a turn for the worse, gone downhill, become irreversibly bad, is unredeemable, etc.; the moment you realize decay has set in.”  This is exactly how I see the media today.  And by the way, Media…unlike The Fonz…the chicks DON’T like you.

One of my favorite political writers, Charles Hurt of the Washington Times, recently offered a great chronology of the typical “hair on fire” fake reporting on Trump by the Lib media…“First the news starts leaking or breaking.  Newsrooms from the Potomac to the Hudson become seized and fixated on every morsel of the delicious story.  News flashes zing around the internet. Then it hits cable television and the press starts slinging the most salacious and scandalous accusations they can whip up, charging the president with the highest crimes imaginable. Each time, these reporters sink deeper and deeper into a fantasyland as they dream bigger and bigger.  THIS TIME, they keep thinking, we FINALLY got him!  Reporters and Democrats alike — not to repeat myself — are actually now speculating about whether Mr. Trump will survive the certain impeachment hearings to come.  But then, as the heavy breathing subsides and the adrenaline rush gives way to factual, concrete reporting, the most damning charges fall away. In the end, they are all left clinging to the smallest Styrofoam shard of their original story, bobbing in the harsh sea of Donald Trump Derangement Syndrome.”  Over…and over…and over…like a broken record pulverizing you with some crappy song in an endless loop.  And this, Your Honor, is why I have declared that the Loser, Leg-Wetting Libs of the Laughable Lefty Media have Jumped The Shark.  I rest my case.  And by the way…that amazing excerpt above is why Charles Hurt writes for the Washington Times, and I am but a lowly blogger.

The other often used method of the media’s modus operandi is simply “The Blackout”…arguably more effective than the fake news method.  Almost daily examples, but here’s one that is both recent AND egregious…just days before the Obama Administration left office, they admitted to massive, warrantless surveillance of American citizens for years after the FISA Court told them to knock it off, and sharply rebuked the Obama Administration for doing it.  You know, FISA…the court that has to APPROVE this sort of spy stuff?  A total and complete trampling of the 4th Amendment…period.  ILLEGAL in EVERY sense of the word.  Huge (Yuge?) news on any planet, any day of the week, right?  Well, not so fast.  The Big Three Networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC), likely hiding under their desks, as well as behind some warped version of editorial discretion, completely omitted any mention of this from their evening broadcasts. Ditto for the NY Times, Wash Post, and most of the rest of the Lib Media.  Criticize Barack Obama, even in the face of yet another scandal?  Surely you jest.  Why, that would be RACIST!  The media are like people trying to hide at a surprise party…but we can hear the rustling noise from behind the couch…like, we KNOW what you’re up to, Captain Obvious.   How does any human being WITH an IQ in the vicinity of triple digits, and WITHOUT a zip code from Liberal Utopia, take any of these medial frauds seriously?  I mean, seriously…

Lightning Round

Liberal Champions?  In a recent interview, HUD Secretary Ben Carson commented, “I think poverty to a large extent is also a state of mind.”  Anyone knowing Carson’s life story, and with a modicum of intellectual honesty appreciates where he’s coming from with that comment. Apparently, that excludes most Libs, who largely lambasted him for it.  Why have these Leftists always crapped on and ridiculed a true African-American success story like Carson?  Quite simply, because these supposed champions of minorities and women only have their backs if they drink out of the same sippy cup of liberal Kool-Aid.  Why don’t more people shove this disgusting hypocrisy up their asses and expose these identity politics obsessed and intolerant frauds more often?  Hopefully, I just got the ball rolling…

Manchester, UK Attack – Every time there is yet another terrorist attack in Europe, we have to endure one of these Eurotrash “leaders” spewing a bunch of empty platitudes of outrage and condemnation.  Um, excuse me, but aren’t these the very people that have consistently enabled politically correct open border policies to exist for decades, which have grossly exacerbated this terrorist crap?  Each and every one of them has blood on their hands as far as I’m concerned. And I’ll bet most of their citizens would agree with me.

Are We REALLY Surprised? – In her never-ending quest to overtake Maxine Waters as the Stupidest Woman on the Planet, Nancy Pelosi is upset that President Trump didn’t travel in alphabetical order by country for his first foreign trip.  “I thought it was unusual for the president of the United States to go to Saudi Arabia first. Saudi Arabia?  It wasn’t even alphabetical. I mean, Saudi Arabia.”  Can’t make this stuff up, kids.  I’m not sure who scores higher on the Moron-O-Meter…Pelosi, or the Libtards that keep electing her.

Quote of the…Century? – Secretary of Defense Gen. James “Mad Dog” Mattis was asked in an interview with CBS News what keeps him up at night.  Without a nanosecond of hesitation, he says, “Nothing. I keep other people awake at night.”  I mean, how friggin’ great is THAT?  This guy makes Rambo look like Little Bo Peep.

Now, THAT’s Bad Ass.

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