Daily Archives: May 31, 2017

Jumping The Shark

As it relates to the coverage of President Trump, the liberal mainstream media has clearly Jumped The Shark.  Huh?  Well, some of you may be too young to comprehend such a dated cultural reference.  Briefly as I can…There was a very popular sitcom back in the 70’s called “Happy Days” that was set in the 50’s, and there was a character by the name of Arthur Fonzarelli…affectionately known as The Fonz.  So, The Fonz was the coolest guy in town…leather jacket, rode a motorcycle, chicks loved him…the whole nine yards…sort of the opposite of me. Anyway, many years into the show, they had a ridiculous episode where The Fonz was going to jump his bike over a tank full of sharks, a la Evel Knievel.  That premise was so ridiculous, that the show was never the same subsequent to that…surely, the beginning of the end for Happy Days.  The Urban Dictionary defines Jumping The Shark as “The precise moment when you know something or someone has taken a turn for the worse, gone downhill, become irreversibly bad, is unredeemable, etc.; the moment you realize decay has set in.”  This is exactly how I see the media today.  And by the way, Media…unlike The Fonz…the chicks DON’T like you. Continue reading