Black and White

Most Presidents seem to just dip their toes in the water when it comes to their first international trips…something easy like Mexico or Canada.  Not The Donald, of course.  His first foray into such a journey was the political equivalent of a cliff dive in Acapulco.  Trump’s historic speech Sunday in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia in front of the leaders of 50 Muslim-majority countries was big, bold…and surely Reaganesque in its clarity and simplicity.  Help us defeat terrorism…no nuance there.  Like a pre-game pep talk a la Vince Lombardi, Trump implores, “This is a battle between barbaric criminals who seek to obliterate human life and decent people, all in the name of religion, people that want to protect life and want to protect their religion. This is a battle between good and evil.”   And this was just Act 1.  Trips to Israel, Palestine, and The Vatican followed.  And even some mild and begrudging praise from many in the mainstream media. Whatever one thinks of President Trump, all must agree that he does nothing in a small way. Speaking of small, how small do the Russia obsessed Trump haters look right now? Like a single grain of sand in the Arabian desert.

This historic trip highlights many of the screaming black and white contrasts between Trump and Obama…beyond just their respective racial persuasions.  The first was literally upon his arrival. The royal greeting received by President Trump from the very moment Air Force One touched down was truly befitting a strong American President.  Welcomed on the tarmac by the big cheese himself, 81-year-old King Salman.  Red carpet, pomp and circumstance…the whole shebang.  Contrast that with Obama’s chilly reception on his last trip to Riyadh, where he was greeted by a guy in serious need of a shower smoking a Hookah, and a couple of camels. That was NO accident, my friends. The Saudis, and the rest of the international community for that matter, respect strength and leadership from the U.S., not a President who runs around the world apologizing for all of America’s sins, arrogance, and transgressions of the past. Obama’s so-called 2009 “apology tour” clearly illustrated his infatuation with globalism, political correctness, and a seeming disdain for American strength and exceptionalism.  To quote The Donald…”Sad.”  To quote me…”Embarrassing and pathetic in an epic way.”  In my best Valley Girl impression…GAG ME WITH A SPOON!

So while President Trump embarks on this truly historic trip to the Middle East to embrace our biggest allies in the region and pave the way to forging strong partnerships in terms of achieving common goals and aggressively fighting Islamic terrorism, he’s also undoing the massive damage perpetrated by his predecessor.  Eight long years of crapping on allies like Israel and Saudi Arabia, and playing footsie under the table with Iran, the largest state sponsor of terror…showering them with $150 billion AND entering into an impotent nuclear deal that at best delays their dreams of developing a nuclear arsenal by a few years.  And that’s even if they abide by it…as likely a prospect as Michael Moore slipping into a pair of skinny jeans.


As If We Didn’t Already Know – You may have heard of a recent study coming out of Harvard on the positive and negative coverage of recent Presidents in their first hundred days in office by various media outlets.  You know what’s coming, don’t ya?  Wait for it…Overall, Trump’s coverage was 80% negative…TWICE that of Obama, with Bush 43 and Clinton in the 60% range negative.  And it’s even more stark when you look at specific media outlets.  Leading the pack are the Obama cheerleaders over at those DNC affiliates CNN and NBC, who tied in sporting a whopping 93% negative reporting on Trump…and the other Lib outlets didn’t fare much better. Interestingly enough, Fox News was approximately 50/50, positive vs negative.  Sort of backs up the “fair and balanced” label, does it not?  A worthy study, albeit with results about as surprising as the ending of any movie ever on the Lifetime channel.  What it didn’t measure, though, is what the liberal media purposely DOESN’T report…under the guise of editorial discretion…in its attempt to constantly provide cover for its liberal brethren, nor the overt efforts to destroy President Trump…WAY beyond typical, run of the mill liberally biased reporting.  This sad state of media affairs is FAR more damaging to the Republic than whether Donald Trump called Jim Comey a nut job or not.  By the way, NOT fake news, in my humble opinion.  Comey is mad as a hatter…just sayin’.

The Incredible Shrinking Weiner – Now HERE’S a subject that really speaks to me…so many jokes, so little time.  The infamous Anthony Weiner, ex-NY Congressman, pleaded guilty last week to criminal charges stemming from his sexting with a 15-year-old girl, for which he will be the proud recipient of about 2 years in the clink, give or take.  I think this guy majored in Political Science and minored in Perv.  There have been reports that the FBI agents that were tasked with confiscating his sleazy laptop insisted on donning a hazmat suit. Good call. Personally, I’d need at least three or four counties between me and that disgusting computer. So explain this one to me…people are busting Trump’s balls for waiting 18 lousy days to fire Mike Flynn…but Huma Abedin is NOW just filing for divorce?  What, has she been in a friggin’ coma the past few years?  And this little gem…who do you think is Weiner’s disgraced mentor? None other than the Grand Poobah of the Trump Resistance Movement, Chuckie Schumer.  He must be busting his buttons with pride in his protégé.  Bahahahaha!

Suffice it to say that Weiner’s stock is definitely NOT rising.  I’ll just leave it at that.


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