Daily Archives: May 24, 2017

Black and White

Most Presidents seem to just dip their toes in the water when it comes to their first international trips…something easy like Mexico or Canada.  Not The Donald, of course.  His first foray into such a journey was the political equivalent of a cliff dive in Acapulco.  Trump’s historic speech Sunday in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia in front of the leaders of 50 Muslim-majority countries was big, bold…and surely Reaganesque in its clarity and simplicity.  Help us defeat terrorism…no nuance there.  Like a pre-game pep talk a la Vince Lombardi, Trump implores, “This is a battle between barbaric criminals who seek to obliterate human life and decent people, all in the name of religion, people that want to protect life and want to protect their religion. This is a battle between good and evil.”   And this was just Act 1.  Trips to Israel, Palestine, and The Vatican followed.  And even some mild and begrudging praise from many in the mainstream media. Whatever one thinks of President Trump, all must agree that he does nothing in a small way. Speaking of small, how small do the Russia obsessed Trump haters look right now? Like a single grain of sand in the Arabian desert. Continue reading