It’s Deja Vu All Over Again

Libs, Libs….WHY do you keep doing this to yourselves?  First, it was declaring the end of the Republic when the GOP refused to entertain Barack Obama’s nomination of Merrick Garland for the Supreme Court during a Presidential election cycle.  This, despite the fact that such an action was completely consistent with an almost century old precedent…and mountains of video out there showing Dems arguing the exact same point in the past when it suited them politically.  Yeah, I’m talking to YOU Crazy Uncle Joe Biden and Chuckie Schumer!  As the great Yogi Berra once uttered…”It’s deja vu all over again.”  With apologies to ESPN…LET’S GO TO THE VIDEOTAPE!  Last few months, these hysterical Dems are screaming for FBI Director Jim Comey’s head for COSTING HILLARY THE ELECTION!…, and wanted him gone…PRONTO!  Trump finally concurs…and curiously, leg wetting ensues.  Once again…END OF THE REPUBLIC!  WORSE THAN WATERGATE! Seriously?  Despite the stiff competition, the winner of poster child for this juiced-up hypocrisy is none other than Maxine Waters, who in an interview with MSNBC, said she would have supported Hillary firing Comey…but NOT Trump.  Wow.  I am speechless.  I am without speech.  My advice to Maxine is some stronger psychotic meds, with a Ripple chaser. Interestingly, it dawns on me that if Nancy Pelosi were black, she’d be Maxine Waters.  And vice versa, of course.

Now, I’m not going to bore you with the chronology of all the stupid, outrageous, and inappropriate crap dished out by Jim Comey over the past several months, other than to say he has proven himself to be a grandstanding political hack…not the greatest of qualities for an FBI Director…that most people wanted gone.  The following quote by acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe at the Senate Intelligence Committee’s hearing last week completely eviscerates the Dem fake news fantasy that Trump got rid of Comey in an effort to squelch any ongoing investigation relative to Russian collusion with the Trump campaign…now 10 months and counting…and about as much evidence of this as Michael Moore being the new spokesman for Nutrisystem, “…the work of the men and women of the FBI continues despite any changes in circumstance, any decisions.  So there has been no effort to impede our investigation to date. Simply put, sir, you cannot stop the men and women of the FBI from doing the right thing, protecting the American people, and upholding the Constitution.”  In fact, Trump’s action actually brings MORE attention to this whole fiasco.  So, between the Leftist hypocrites suddenly stricken with amnesia regarding their past disdain for Comey, and acting FBI Director McCabe crapping on the phony Lib argument that firing Comey would have ANY effect on ANY investigation whatsoever…well, maybe they can come up with a new narrative at their next Democrat party offsite in Havana.

Graduation Day –  Bethune-Cookman University, a private, historically black school in Daytona Beach, Florida decided to invite Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos to deliver their commencement speech.  Innocent enough, right?  Well, when Ms. DeVos began her address, she was showered with boos and students standing up and turning their backs…presumably because they don’t like her politics or some past comments…OR just that she’s associated with President Trump.  The Libs are defending these twerps saying they had a right to “peacefully protest.”  Sooooo NOT the point.  My visceral reaction to this is anger and disgust at the putrid display of disrespect.  These coddled juveniles ought to thank God that the sitting Secretary of Education would even make an appearance to deliver their stupid little commencement speech. But from a purely unemotional and analytical perspective, isn’t this EXACTLY what we’ve come to expect from the products of these wonderful institutions of higher learning?  A bunch of sniveling wimps and wimpettes who are completely intolerant of any thought, idea, or belief inconsistent with their own.  My graduation message to these fragile little snowflakes?  Good luck as you venture out into a cold, cruel world, where there are no safe spaces, no participation trophies, and nobody gives a good goddamn about you other than Mommy and Daddy.  To say that you are WOEFULLY unprepared to deal with any of that is the understatement of the century.  But there IS a Plan B…graduate school.

Objective Media is STILL Dead and Gone –  In an interview on CNN, Anderson Cooper actually, and very visibly, rolled his eyes at comments made by Kellyanne Conway.  And these faux journalists are the first people to get their little liberal panties in a wad when accused of basically being a wing of the Democrat party…yet they prove it unequivocally over and over again.  I mean, stunning lack of professionalism aside, this was yet another egregious example of extreme liberal media bias.  Not just bias, but total and complete contempt for anything or anyone associated with President Trump.  This is particularly sad in that it comes from a gay man (not that there’s anything wrong with that), who you’d think would be quite sensitive to displays of intolerance in ANY form.  This type of unhinged behavior by the media and Democrats is a classic example of overplaying one’s hand…and will inevitably blow up in their faces.  So as these hysterical liberal moonbats appear to inexplicably be salivating over the 2018 and 2020 election cycles…I say, bring it on.  Most of America “gets it,” and will not reward the petulant behavior of these Looney Libs at the ballot box…California and NY notwithstanding.

One Last Quickie – No, unfortunately not THAT kind of quickie.  A North Carolina high school recalled its yearbooks after officials saw one senior’s quote which read…”Build that wall,” and ascribed the quote to President Donald Trump.  The book burning on the Left continues. Fascist Scumbags is the nicest way I can describe these twits.

Burn that one, Libs!

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