Daily Archives: May 17, 2017

It’s Deja Vu All Over Again

Libs, Libs….WHY do you keep doing this to yourselves?  First, it was declaring the end of the Republic when the GOP refused to entertain Barack Obama’s nomination of Merrick Garland for the Supreme Court during a Presidential election cycle.  This, despite the fact that such an action was completely consistent with an almost century old precedent…and mountains of video out there showing Dems arguing the exact same point in the past when it suited them politically.  Yeah, I’m talking to YOU Crazy Uncle Joe Biden and Chuckie Schumer!  As the great Yogi Berra once uttered…”It’s deja vu all over again.”  With apologies to ESPN…LET’S GO TO THE VIDEOTAPE!  Last few months, these hysterical Dems are screaming for FBI Director Jim Comey’s head for COSTING HILLARY THE ELECTION!…, and wanted him gone…PRONTO!  Trump finally concurs…and curiously, leg wetting ensues.  Once again…END OF THE REPUBLIC!  WORSE THAN WATERGATE! Seriously?  Despite the stiff competition, the winner of poster child for this juiced-up hypocrisy is none other than Maxine Waters, who in an interview with MSNBC, said she would have supported Hillary firing Comey…but NOT Trump.  Wow.  I am speechless.  I am without speech.  My advice to Maxine is some stronger psychotic meds, with a Ripple chaser. Interestingly, it dawns on me that if Nancy Pelosi were black, she’d be Maxine Waters.  And vice versa, of course. Continue reading