Off To The Races

Liberals…can’t live with’em, can’t live without’em.  Ok, scratch that…I could get along just swimmingly without’em.  Especially Jonathan Gruber.  Who?  Well, he just happens to be an MIT economist and one of the main architects of the Obamacare train wreck, who a couple of years ago infamously said of Obamacare, “Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really really critical to get for the thing to pass.” Truthfully, I respect his honesty in basically admitting that Obamacare was a big lie and a sham from the start…keep your plan, keep your doctor, lower premiums…yeah, sure.  And now?  Gruber and all the rest of the Socialist Scumbag Brigade are clinging to Obamacare like Michael Moore shipwrecked on an island clinging to that last Krispy Kreme.

So why am I even bringing up this schmuck Gruber?  In an appearance on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace this past week, Gruber said what has got to be the stupidest, most outrageous statement ever made by a liberal…and these days, that’s a pretty tough title to snag. Check out this exchange while discussing how his beloved steamy pile of Obamacare is dying a slow death…“And whose fault is this?” he said to Wallace. “Before President Trump was elected, there were no counties in America that did not have an insurer. Since President Trump’s been elected, a massive … ”  Wallace interrupted: “Wait, you’re going to blame the problems with Obamacare on President Trump?”  I thought poor Chris Wallace was going to have a stroke when he heard THAT piece of verbal excrement.  Speaks for itself, and proves once again that ANYTHING is possible in the minds of the residents of the Land of Unicorns that is Liberal Utopia.

Anyway, I thought it was quite fitting that the week of the Kentucky Derby was the same week that the House FINALLY passed the first step in the repeal and replacement of Obamacare.  So yes, definitely off to the races.  To many, this bill is like a face only a mother could love, but something had to get passed just to advance the ball.  The Senate will hopefully pass their own version, and they’ll hammer it all out in conference.  I mean, that IS the way the legislative body is supposed to work.  So, upon passage of the House bill, these asinine Democrats (apologize for the redundancy) began inappropriately and childishly singing “Hey, Hey, Hey, Goodbye,”…suggesting, of course, the GOP will now get hammered in the 2018 mid-terms. Really?  With large swaths of the country now down to zero or one insurer as insurance companies continue to rid themselves of Obamacrud like snakes shedding their skin, I’d say it’s the Dems that will get their asses handed to them as they have refused to lift a finger to help fix the misery they themselves created.  Soak this one in…94 of 99 counties in Iowa are now down to one insurer…Medica…and they have threatened to pull out entirely in 2018.  Nice job Obama, way to go!  Shameful, is it not?  And STILL…the Lib narrative on this is that it just simply needs some improvement.  That’s like the Elephant man’s plastic surgeon saying he just needs a little tweak here and there.


Just Go Away, Hillary : She’s Baaaaaack!  In an interview with CNN last week, Hillary proudly declared she has now jumped into the Trump Resistance Movement with both feet…cankles and all.  She also revived her pathetic Election Loss Excuse Tour blaming Jim Comey, Russia, Wikileaks, and the Boogie Man…yet again…for her stunning loss to The Donald.  It’s gotten so bad, even her fellow Libs are sick of this tired narrative, more stale than the day old bread down at the Safeway. This, from Obama Senior Advisor David Axelrod…“Jim Comey didn’t tell her not to campaign in Wisconsin after the convention.  Jim Comey didn’t say ‘don’t put any resources into Michigan until the final week of the campaign.  She said the words, ‘I’m responsible’, but everything else suggested she doesn’t really feel that way.  And I don’t think that helps her in the long run.” When you’ve lost a guy like Axelrod…well, you’ve just lost…AGAIN!

More Lib Hypocrisy:  Ok, you might want a barf bag in tow for this one.  Bill Maher, unfunny “comedian” who is buried on an HBO show only viewed in college safe spaces that actually have cable, decides to make an incest joke at the expense of President Trump and his daughter Ivanka.  Nice.  So…whatever…I’d expect nothing less from a guy as classy as a puss-dripping boil. My problem is that had a late night comedian made the same reference about Obama’s daughters, it would be Armageddon, and Maher would have been gone faster than a Twinkie within a hundred yards of Michael Moore.  Off the charts hypocrisy that we all endure on a daily basis.

Identity Politics:  The newly crowned Miss Black University of Texas Rachael Malonson is a beautiful young woman who happens to be biracial.  Upon her crowning, the race-obsessed Left went crazy on social media saying SHE WASN’T BLACK ENOUGH!  The stink of identity politics seeping into a friggin’ beauty contest…my God.  I really don’t give a rat’s ass about this, other than to pose this question to the unglued social(ist) media twerps…If a biracial woman is not BLACK ENOUGH to be Miss Black UT, then SURELY, Biracial Barry is not black enough to be considered our first African-American President.  Right, Snowflakes?

Breaking News! :  Trump fires FBI Director Jim Comey!  Liberals make a run on Depends…shortage ensues!  

This one needs to marinate for a few days before I opine.

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