The More The Merrier

I’ve been writing this blog for nine glorious months, and I’m really starting to dig touching on multiple subjects every week as opposed to just one…hence, the title of this post.  Variety is the spice of life, I suppose.  But no matter the subject, there is one common denominator, and that is the total and complete knee-jerk opposition by Democrats and the media to ANYTHING that emanates from the Trump Administration.  The media these days is even crapping on poor Ivanka Trump…one of the most perfect human specimens on the planet…jealousy, no doubt.  I mean, have you SEEN some of those beauties in the White House press briefing room recently? Anyway, let’s begin with one of the three certainties of life…taxes…the other two being death, and Nancy Pelosi saying something stupid today…

Trump’s Tax Plan – I can’t tell you how many times I heard the Libs characterize this as a big giveaway to the rich.  The idiocy of these people is only exceeded by their dishonesty. Corporate rate down from 35%, highest in the world, to 15%.  More importantly, S-Corporations also snag a 15% rate versus paying the much higher individual rates.  It is these smaller companies that provide 2/3 of the job growth in this country…so why WOULDN’T we do that?  A doubling of the standard deduction that will significantly cut taxes for low and medium income people…most of whom do not itemize.  What the Lefties are really wetting their rubber undies over is the proposed elimination of the so-called “Death Tax” and the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT)…surely a boon for the wealthy.  At the very least, however, some type of reform is needed here, as they have morphed into things totally unintended. The Estate Tax forces many folks to sell businesses and family farms JUST to pay the stupid tax.  In addition, the AMT now sweeps in millions of people when it was originally enacted almost 50 years ago to hit the REAL fat cats who found ways to pay little or no tax.  Ok, so this is a “going-in” position for Trump The Negotiator…but again, the knee-jerk opposition to it right off the bat by the Dems and media is just more of their tired and asinine resistance movement.  I suppose we’ll have to endure yet another faux protest over this by a bunch of unemployed anarchists funded by George Soros. Yeah, protests as authentic as Nancy Pelosi’s trampoline-tight skin…which you could no doubt bounce a quarter off of.

And don’t fall for the line that this will add trillions to the debt.  That static analysis assumes crap, “Obama-type” GDP growth numbers.  Once the economic growth kicks in from these cuts, the additional revenues will pay for the tax cuts over a decade or so, AND lower the critical debt to GDP ratio.  We’re talking an economy more juiced than The Terminator in his bodybuilding days.  Are we to believe these Libs are worried about the deficit?  Really?  That’s like Michael Moore all of a sudden counting calories.  Joke of the century.

Trump’s PA Rally – I for one was thrilled that The Donald gave The Finger to the White House Correspondent’s Dinner to instead preside over a raucous rally in PA commemorating his first hundred days in office.  I mean, why would Trump lower himself to participate in the self-aggrandizing by the Leftist media that has nothing but contempt for him…and who wake up every day on a mission to destroy him?  Sure, they thought Bush 43 was a buffoon, but there wasn’t close to the visceral hatred that you see for President Trump.  See if you can stomach this cringeworthy comment from Jeff Mason, President of the White House Correspondents’ Assoc., “It is our job to report on facts and to hold leaders accountable. That is who we are. We are not ‘fake news, we are not failing news organizations. And we are not the enemy of the American people.”  Yeah, and Al Gore invented the internet.  While these media pukes wrapped themselves up in the 1st Amendment that evening, they continue to fail to report the absolute shutdown of free speech on just about every college campus in the country.  What they lack in credibility, they make up for in hypocrisy…and then some.  And make no mistake…this was a Presidential snub of epic proportion.  The media, left standing alone at the altar in disbelief, with mascara dripping down their cheeks…how utterly pathetic. Here’s a great description of the masterful handling of the situation by The Donald, courtesy of Fox News’s Greg Gutfeld, “He’s like the cool outcast at school who tells the snotty, rich kids, ‘I don’t want to go to your stupid party, I’ll throw my own, thank you very much! And I’m going to invite all my friends!”  How awesome is that?  Love that guy Gutfeld.

The Unfriendly Skies –  Not really a political item…although they did drag the United Airlines CEO to testify before Congress this week.  Let me preface this by saying that United handled that situation miserably, which resulted in some dude getting dragged out of his seat and injured a few weeks ago. They deserve every bit of misery that comes their way.  However…am I the only one on the planet that has a problem with this guy defying the orders of law enforcement…no matter WHAT the situation?  I’ll say it again…not excusing United in any way for instigating that mess…but this guy single-handedly caused that situation to ESCALATE out of control.  And for that, he is millions of dollars richer today.  I may be on an island here, but I just can’t muster up any sympathy for someone who disobeys law enforcement and is rewarded for it.

And if the guy was not a minority, but a good ‘ol boy wearing a Trump hat, social media would have been silent…maybe even high-fiving.

And you KNOW it’s true.

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