Keeping it Pithy

Always being one that embraces efficiency, I’m killing two birds with one stone with the title of this week’s blog post.  Most obviously, a quick shout out to Bill O’Reilly, whose tenure at Fox News after 20-plus years has come to an abrupt and sad ending.  I know, I know…it was the multiple accusations of sexual harassment that forced him out like his old boss Roger Ailes…but I think a slap on the wrist of some sort, along with some stern zero tolerance warnings, would have sufficed…I mean, we’re not talking slipping someone a mickey here, a la Bill Cosby.  Seems a bunch of his advertisers jumping ship was the final nail in the coffin.  It’s all about the benjamins, ya know.   And not even afforded the opportunity to offer some final words to his loyal audience.  Damn shame, and a big loss, as far as I’m concerned.  Not excusing this alleged boorish behavior, but seems the punishment didn’t fit the crime…just my opinion.  Anyway, the second purpose of the blog title is in reference to my desire to address multiple topics this week, and if I don’t keep it pithy, you fine folks will start reading, but give up quicker than the people standing behind Michael Moore at the Golden Corral buffet.  So, here goes…

Trump’s First 100 Days – Some big missteps, for sure…the bungled roll-out of the initial temporary travel ban, and moving too fast on the Obamacare repeal.  But the media have been sharpening their knives for weeks on this one, so beware their almost universal declarations of what an abject failure Trump has been thus far.  Of course, they’re clinging to Trump’s own campaign rhetoric of all the things he would get done in the artificial, meaningless and nonsensical “FIRST HUNDRED DAYS.”  With a razor-thin majority in The Senate, legislative initiatives will not happen quickly, and be as challenging as me trying to get Ivanka Trump to return my phone calls.  Aside from that?  Success after success, ignored by the faux media. Creation of a kick-ass Cabinet, confirmed Supreme Court Justice, re-established our place in the world via relationship building with world leaders and actively engaging our enemies…doormats no more.  Border crossings down almost 70%, Keystone pipeline approval, more than a couple dozen job creating and government shrinking executive orders…whew!  All while trying to firm up those political jelly legs. As much as I hammer the Lib Media, I must be fair and acknowledge that when it comes to advancing false narratives, they got some mad skills.

Sanctuary Cities – Maybe someone can explain to me the Lib mentality that says harboring criminal illegal immigrants in your community while giving the finger to the Feds in refusing to cooperate in these situations….in violation of Federal Law…is a good thing?  Oh wait…we have a contestant! This from Calif. State Senator Kevin de Leon…“It has become abundantly clear that Atty. Gen. [Jeff] Sessions and the Trump administration are basing their law enforcement policies on principles of white supremacy — not American values.  Their constant and systematic targeting of diverse cities and states goes beyond constitutional norms and will be challenged at every level.”  Yep, pretty much speaks for itself.  Vile name calling to shut down the argument you’ve already lost.  Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals rearing its ugly head again.  I’d expect nothing less from the Pinko Republic of California.

The March For Science – First, the multitude of far left groups that organize these Socialist Soiree’s have become quite adept at using social media to assemble thousands of subversive liberals in many cities at the drop of a hat…what the hell else are a bunch of unemployed liberals going to do?  Sit home and stare at their participation trophies?  Obviously, the purpose of this nonsense was to remind those of us who are NOT card-carrying members of the Cult of Climate Change that we are deniers, flat-earthers…and probably drown puppies in our spare time.  In fact, it is THESE zombies that ignore the mountain of studies that throw cold water on the whole man-made global warming thing, not to mention the many, many instances of so-called climatologists phonying up data to fit their political narrative.  Not settled science, to say the least…despite the childish tantrums to the contrary from these melting snowflakes.  The following is from Joe Bastardi, a guy I often see on the tube talking weather issues, and the chief forecaster at WeatherBELL Analytics, a meteorological consulting firm, “What I am trying to figure out is why there is a march when many of the people in that march have no tolerance for the questioning of their position.  While I think it’s noble to be inclusive and diverse, are any “skeptics” included as speakers?  Is there diversity of thought?  Of course not. Questioning of dogma need not apply. That sounds more like religion than science. Being for science means being for discussion. So who is anti-science here?  Well, that would be the liberal hypocrites, Joe.

Just Because – Upon learning that Eric and Lara Trump are expecting a baby, “B-List” celebrity and “Class-A” bitch Chelsea Handler felt the need to tweet the following:  “Just what we need. Another person with those genes.”  It goes without saying that un-American liberal hypocrites have no integrity or soul, but verbally attacking an unborn fetus is a new low.  Dog squeeze doesn’t begin to describe this broad.  For a woman who spends all her time writing bad jokes and in a drug-induced promiscuity binge, I’m shocked she can still find the time for asinine political commentary.

How’s that last one for pithy?  As for the rest of it…not so much.

2 thoughts on “Keeping it Pithy

  1. Gary Smith

    Best blog I’ve ever read, bravo!!! I wish the lefty liberals and mainstream media would read these and choke on their fake news flem!
    With respect to all my In the Right mind GOP friends!


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