Daily Archives: April 20, 2017

You Had Me at 59 Tomahawks

You probably remember the famous line “You had me at hello” from the movie Jerry Maguire. Well, President Trump…you had ME at 59 Tomahawks.  And the encore…The Mother of All Bombs.  Now THAT has quite a ring to it, does it not?  And we’re not even talking about Shia LaBeouf’s latest flick…from what I hear, the cinematic equivalent of waterboarding…but I digress.  So, color me impressed, to say the least, with this big mother of a bomb…I guess size does matter.  A quick history lesson…I love how Obama used to talk incessantly during his whole tenure about the economic abyss he was handed by Bush 43.  Well, one could very successfully argue the epicenter of that mess was the collapse of the mortgage and housing markets, courtesy of a couple of dopey Democrats, Barney Frank and Chris Dodd.  Trusting these dolts to oversee Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac was like trusting Michael Jackson to babysit your kids…but that’s a story for another day.  Point is that blaming that economic collapse on W is more of a stretch than the waist on Michael Moore’s pants.  The REAL abyss handed to a new President by his predecessor is the international crap sandwich handed to The Donald on a silver platter by Barack Hussein Obama.   Continue reading