The Red Line Resurrection

Our previous President, Ditherer-in-Chief Barry Obama, was just completely schooled by President Trump in the art of communication…sending a message, that is.  Don’t worry about that whole RED LINE thing, Barack, The Donald’s got you covered.  In response to yet another chemical attack dished out on his own people by Syrian President Bashar al-Assad…there IS something called the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) that outlaws this sort of thing…President Trump blasted the airfield from which that chemical attack originated with 59 Tomahawk missiles.  This was a “loud and clear” message to not only Assad, but to the rest of the wacko bullies of the world, including Syrian puppet masters Iran and Russia…not to mention that psychotic fat kid in North Korea, in serious need of both a new barber and a personal trainer.  The message?  The NEW sheriff in town possesses some culinary skills as well.  What you experienced was just the appetizer…don’t force us to serve up the main course…the Filet of Holy Hell, with a side of Shock and Awe.

This well-deserved and WAY overdue strike on Syria makes me harken back to the days of Reagan, and even Bush/Cheney, who ALL lived by the mantra…DON’T F WITH US.  I am certainly back to sleeping better at night knowing the coconut-sized cojones now occupying the White House. Let’s just say Jimmy Fallon now gets DVR’d instead of watched real-time. Bullies…whether on a playground or in a presidential palace…understand one thing, and one thing only – BRUTE FORCE.  It appears our Community Organizer-in-Chief didn’t comprehend that inherent in the phrase “Peace Through Strength” is the willingness to act…at least as perceived by our adversaries.  And it is that willingness to act that makes diplomacy effective, thus avoiding confrontation.  Assad’s chemical weapon attack and the muscle flexing by every crazed dictator on the planet is the result of nothing more than 8 years of a flaccid foreign policy.  Michael Goodwin of the NY Post writes, “…as measured by the loss of life and global impact, nothing compares with Obama’s failure in Syria. His refusal to lift a finger opened the door to perhaps the largest humanitarian crises since World War II.”  In addition, conservative heavyweight Charles Krauthammer…NOT a fan of The Donald…summarized the effects of Trump’s action against Syria quite nicely on Fox News Special Report…“The world had looked at this area and seen the profound abdication for eight years, where the United States had disappeared. America is back, and it is liable to react.  That, I think, is going to change a lot in the world from a single response like this.”  Spot on, Charles…as usual.

Surprisingly enough, there was near universal praise for Trump in administering this figurative kick in the nuts to that mutant Assad…even among Democrats.  Sure, there was a bit of grumbling by some in Congress saying he needed congressional authorization (he didn’t), and some mocking by Obama White House loyalists and a few left-wing media twerps, but by and large, everyone GOT this.  One of Obama’s top White House Weasels, Ben Rhodes, tweeted this asinine statement…“So Obama was excoriated in DC for years for not taking a strike that disabled an airfield for a few hours.”  No dipshit, he was excoriated for failing to follow through on his red line threat…which a leader of the free world with the most bad ass military on the planet REALLY ought to avoid. Those of us with triple digit IQ’s know this was simply a message sent to Assad AND the rest of the world that U.S. inaction can no longer be assumed, and we now have a President that will actually listen to his military people, as opposed to a bunch of liberal, safe-space dwelling academics who would get their asses kicked by Richard Simmons. Another top contender for the dumbest statement by a liberal last week (always a hot competition) is one of the Pinko hosts over at MSNBC, Lawrence O’Donnell.  Here’s what Larry had to say…“Wouldn’t it be nice if it was just completely, totally, absolutely impossible to suspect that Vladimir Putin orchestrated what happened in Syria this week — so that his friend in the White House could have a big night with missiles and all the praises he’s picked up over the past 24 hours?” Critical thinker that I am, I can only conclude that Rhodes and O’Donnell, both of whom immigrated from Liberal Utopia, are related, and the victims of several generations of genetic defects.

So, this international chess match is as intriguing as it is dangerous…but I like our chances.  The President is no pawn like his predecessor.  And despite his hands reportedly lacking in size, Trump carries a bigger stick than anyone on the planet.

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