Daily Archives: April 11, 2017

The Red Line Resurrection

Our previous President, Ditherer-in-Chief Barry Obama, was just completely schooled by President Trump in the art of communication…sending a message, that is.  Don’t worry about that whole RED LINE thing, Barack, The Donald’s got you covered.  In response to yet another chemical attack dished out on his own people by Syrian President Bashar al-Assad…there IS something called the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) that outlaws this sort of thing…President Trump blasted the airfield from which that chemical attack originated with 59 Tomahawk missiles.  This was a “loud and clear” message to not only Assad, but to the rest of the wacko bullies of the world, including Syrian puppet masters Iran and Russia…not to mention that psychotic fat kid in North Korea, in serious need of both a new barber and a personal trainer.  The message?  The NEW sheriff in town possesses some culinary skills as well.  What you experienced was just the appetizer…don’t force us to serve up the main course…the Filet of Holy Hell, with a side of Shock and Awe. Continue reading