The Magnificent Media Meltdown

I really thought the media meltdown over simply the election of President Trump could NEVER be surpassed…silly me.  While the media continues to cling to any morsel…real or imagined…related to the Trump campaign colluding with Russia to sway the election (and not a scintilla of evidence, by the way, after months of investigating), that pipe dream of theirs is disappearing faster than the dot on a vintage TV picture tube after hitting the OFF button.  At the SAME TIME, Barry’s Band of Bumbling Bozos are about to go down in disgrace…some, maybe sent to the clink.  Despite the BEST efforts of the butt kissing media to protect their hero, the latest revelations regarding Trump and his associates being surveilled and exposed, and the illegal leaking of classified information by the Obama Administration, is snowballing like an out of control avalanche.  Their figurative finger is inserted deep into the dike in an attempt to repel a raging flow of damaging information…an effort that will prove more futile than me trying to hit a 95 mph fastball.

Before the latest revelation regarding Obama’s National Security Advisor Susan Rice’s “alleged” involvement in the Obama Administration’s attempt to utilize intelligence for political purposes, the media was just keeping their heads above water in both ignoring and ridiculing this story. But now?  Picture Leo DiCaprio at the end of Titanic…slipping under the ravaging ocean once and for all.  That’s the media, my friends.  You know how sometimes things take on a life of their own?  This is one of those times, and while the sad, pathetic media will continue their lame attempts at obfuscation…the proverbial horse is out of the barn.  For her part, Rice is denying that there was any illegality…but basically acknowledged the unmasking of names.  Funny, because in an interview with PBS on March 22nd, Rice stated, “I know nothing about this.” Now it’s, well…I do know, but there was no illegality (my words).  And for more perspective on this woman’s lack of truth-telling ability…this was the same Susan Rice that went on FIVE Sunday morning news shows back in 2012 and knowingly lied about the Benghazi attack, blaming it on protests instigated by some anti-Muslim video.  I mean, who brings rocket launchers to a protest?  This was a couple of months before the election, and Obama bragged all the while about the terrorists being “on the run.”  Reality, in this case, didn’t play well with THAT false narrative.  Got an election to win here people!  Chop chop!  This woman is a pathological liar, has zero credibility, and would surely give Pinocchio a run for his money in a one-on-one lying contest.  My crystal ball says she gets dragged in to testify under oath and either: 1) Takes the Fifth, or 2) Cites Executive Privilege in refusing to answer questions.  Or lie again, I suppose. Either way, the odds of any “truth” spilling out of her yap are about equal to Michael Moore joining Weight Watchers.

So where does this all leave us?  Well…with the media literally refusing to report on anything unrelated to the Trump/Russia investigation.  Consider the following, from The Washington Examiner…“The report, published Monday by Eli Lake in Bloomberg View, said Rice was responsible for “unmasking” the identities of several of President Trump’s associates in intelligence reports.  Lake’s report, backed up by additional reporting by Fox News, could corroborate some of the White House’s claims that it was spied on by Obama officials during the transition period.”  At the very least, a blockbuster report worthy of “above the fold” and “lead story” type reporting…is it not?  The King and Queen of Liberal Rags…The Wash Post and NY Times…reported more about the weather in Peoria than this story. The Post had ZERO on it…let that sink in for just a moment.  The Times had a short mention on page A16, described by the Washington Examiner as follows...”The New York Times ran a story Monday evening that said the Rice news originated “in conservative news media outlets,” though Bloomberg View is not a conservative publication.  The paper also said that the White House’s citing of the report was an attempt “to deflect Russian scrutiny.”  What about ABC, NBC, and CBS?  This headline from…“Susan Rice unmasking revelations covered up by ABC, NBC, defended by CBS.”  Are we getting this yet?  Just one more…I promise…as I would not want to deprive you of the piece de resistance, courtesy of Leftist nut cake Don Lemon of the Clinton News Network...”Let’s be very clear about this, there is no evidence whatsoever that the Trump team … was spied on illegally. There is no evidence that backs up the president’s original claim.  And on this program tonight, we will not insult your intelligence by pretending otherwise, nor will we aid and abet the people who are trying to misinform you, the American people, by creating a diversion.”  Speaks for itself, doesn’t it?

So while the quacks in the media continue to perform journalistic malpractice, it’s like carrying a broken umbrella in a hurricane…it will be of ZERO consequence.  The investigative committees in Congress and the FBI will forge right ahead. Obama and his subversive acolytes will rue the day they took it upon themselves to undermine and wreak havoc and chaos on the incoming Trump Administration.  Enjoy the glorious revelations that are sure to get exposed almost daily as the biggest onion on the planet continues to get peeled back.  I know I will.






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