Daily Archives: April 5, 2017

The Magnificent Media Meltdown

I really thought the media meltdown over simply the election of President Trump could NEVER be surpassed…silly me.  While the media continues to cling to any morsel…real or imagined…related to the Trump campaign colluding with Russia to sway the election (and not a scintilla of evidence, by the way, after months of investigating), that pipe dream of theirs is disappearing faster than the dot on a vintage TV picture tube after hitting the OFF button.  At the SAME TIME, Barry’s Band of Bumbling Bozos are about to go down in disgrace…some, maybe sent to the clink.  Despite the BEST efforts of the butt kissing media to protect their hero, the latest revelations regarding Trump and his associates being surveilled and exposed, and the illegal leaking of classified information by the Obama Administration, is snowballing like an out of control avalanche.  Their figurative finger is inserted deep into the dike in an attempt to repel a raging flow of damaging information…an effort that will prove more futile than me trying to hit a 95 mph fastball. Continue reading