Monthly Archives: April 2017

Keeping it Pithy

Always being one that embraces efficiency, I’m killing two birds with one stone with the title of this week’s blog post.  Most obviously, a quick shout out to Bill O’Reilly, whose tenure at Fox News after 20-plus years has come to an abrupt and sad ending.  I know, I know…it was the multiple accusations of sexual harassment that forced him out like his old boss Roger Ailes…but I think a slap on the wrist of some sort, along with some stern zero tolerance warnings, would have sufficed…I mean, we’re not talking slipping someone a mickey here, a la Bill Cosby.  Seems a bunch of his advertisers jumping ship was the final nail in the coffin.  It’s all about the benjamins, ya know.   And not even afforded the opportunity to offer some final words to his loyal audience.  Damn shame, and a big loss, as far as I’m concerned.  Not excusing this alleged boorish behavior, but seems the punishment didn’t fit the crime…just my opinion.  Anyway, the second purpose of the blog title is in reference to my desire to address multiple topics this week, and if I don’t keep it pithy, you fine folks will start reading, but give up quicker than the people standing behind Michael Moore at the Golden Corral buffet.  So, here goes… Continue reading

You Had Me at 59 Tomahawks

You probably remember the famous line “You had me at hello” from the movie Jerry Maguire. Well, President Trump…you had ME at 59 Tomahawks.  And the encore…The Mother of All Bombs.  Now THAT has quite a ring to it, does it not?  And we’re not even talking about Shia LaBeouf’s latest flick…from what I hear, the cinematic equivalent of waterboarding…but I digress.  So, color me impressed, to say the least, with this big mother of a bomb…I guess size does matter.  A quick history lesson…I love how Obama used to talk incessantly during his whole tenure about the economic abyss he was handed by Bush 43.  Well, one could very successfully argue the epicenter of that mess was the collapse of the mortgage and housing markets, courtesy of a couple of dopey Democrats, Barney Frank and Chris Dodd.  Trusting these dolts to oversee Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac was like trusting Michael Jackson to babysit your kids…but that’s a story for another day.  Point is that blaming that economic collapse on W is more of a stretch than the waist on Michael Moore’s pants.  The REAL abyss handed to a new President by his predecessor is the international crap sandwich handed to The Donald on a silver platter by Barack Hussein Obama.   Continue reading

The Red Line Resurrection

Our previous President, Ditherer-in-Chief Barry Obama, was just completely schooled by President Trump in the art of communication…sending a message, that is.  Don’t worry about that whole RED LINE thing, Barack, The Donald’s got you covered.  In response to yet another chemical attack dished out on his own people by Syrian President Bashar al-Assad…there IS something called the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) that outlaws this sort of thing…President Trump blasted the airfield from which that chemical attack originated with 59 Tomahawk missiles.  This was a “loud and clear” message to not only Assad, but to the rest of the wacko bullies of the world, including Syrian puppet masters Iran and Russia…not to mention that psychotic fat kid in North Korea, in serious need of both a new barber and a personal trainer.  The message?  The NEW sheriff in town possesses some culinary skills as well.  What you experienced was just the appetizer…don’t force us to serve up the main course…the Filet of Holy Hell, with a side of Shock and Awe. Continue reading

The Magnificent Media Meltdown

I really thought the media meltdown over simply the election of President Trump could NEVER be surpassed…silly me.  While the media continues to cling to any morsel…real or imagined…related to the Trump campaign colluding with Russia to sway the election (and not a scintilla of evidence, by the way, after months of investigating), that pipe dream of theirs is disappearing faster than the dot on a vintage TV picture tube after hitting the OFF button.  At the SAME TIME, Barry’s Band of Bumbling Bozos are about to go down in disgrace…some, maybe sent to the clink.  Despite the BEST efforts of the butt kissing media to protect their hero, the latest revelations regarding Trump and his associates being surveilled and exposed, and the illegal leaking of classified information by the Obama Administration, is snowballing like an out of control avalanche.  Their figurative finger is inserted deep into the dike in an attempt to repel a raging flow of damaging information…an effort that will prove more futile than me trying to hit a 95 mph fastball. Continue reading