A Dizzying Week…

I love choices.  Typically, I select a topic for the week from which to opine that has sort of risen to the top…in my feeble mind, at least.  But then you have a week like last week.  So much news, so much to get pissed off about.  More choices than on the dessert cart parked next to Michael Moore’s bed.  (Apologies for yet another gratuitous Michael Moore weight joke…I have ZERO will power in that area).  I must confess, I was going to write solely about the complete and utter failure of the juvenile Republicans in the House of Representatives who STILL cannot agree on an Obamacare replacement plan after SEVEN…FRIGGIN’…YEARS.  Thanks for Nuthin’…said The Donald.  So, I will begin by giving some brief thoughts on this debacle…any more than that, and my head might explode faster than Obamacare…

Now, I think we kinda get that this Obamacare Repeal and Replace bill in the House was not perfect, but once it passed and would have gone to the Senate, it was going to get completely changed, anyway.  Ah, that legislative sausage-making.  I mean, sometimes in life, you just have to GET OFF THE SCHNEID and get the ball rolling.  Surely lots of blame to go around on this epic failure, but personally, I lay most of it on that Freedom Caucus…freedom to make damn uncompromising fools of themselves, that is.  These guys would vote NO for free beer served up by Ivanka Trump in an American flag bikini.  Sayings like “The perfect is the enemy of the good” and “Getting 75% of what you want is better than nothing” apply here.  While many of us, generally speaking, agree with the Freedom Caucus philosophically and ideologically, they always say they are “not willing to compromise on our core principles.”  That’s meaningless BS, by the way.  The translation is…unless we get 100% of our wish list, we ain’t voting for it.  These obstructionists are putting Trump’s whole agenda in jeopardy with their whiny bitching.  In honor of the upcoming baseball season, this Freedom Caucus needs to learn how to PLAY BALL, and fast.   Let our most vicious battles be in the Senate, with THAT slim majority…NOT the House, for God’s sake.  To be fair, though, Trump, Paul Ryan, and the rest of the Merry Healthcare Marauders moved WAY too fast on this…a serious case of premature legislation, for which they need either a new plan, or a trip to the urologist.

Moving right along, did you see ANY of these ludicrous Democrats embarrass themselves during the Senate confirmation hearings for President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, Neil Gorsuch?  This guy has to be one of the most eminently qualified people on the planet for this position.  And while the Republicans play these attack games too when they’re on the other side of the fence, President Obama got his two liberal nominees (Sotomayor & Kagan) confirmed in the Senate with votes to spare.  Now?  Threats of filibuster by the crybaby Dems, pulling every available lever to delay, etc, etc.  The main impetus behind these roadblocks goes back to the Republican controlled Senate NOT giving Obama’s last nominee, Merrick Garland, a hearing or vote.  Talk about holding grudges.  Agree or not, this was consistent with the almost century old practice of not entertaining Supreme Court nominees in an election year.  BOTH SIDES DO IT. So these Dirty Dems, who bring intellectual dishonesty to stratospheric new levels, cannot stop crabbing about this, despite the mountain of old video we’ve all seen from people like Crazy Uncle Joe Biden, Chuckie Schumer, and yes, even Senator Barry Obama, vehemently arguing FOR this near century old practice when it suited THEM politically.  Now they have amnesia. And the cherry on top?  Gorsuch was UNANIMOUSLY confirmed in 2006 for his nomination by Bush 43 to the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals by many of these same Democratic Senators.  Here’s what will happen…GOP pulls the nuclear option for Supreme Court nominees, meaning they avoid the filibuster & need just 51 votes for confirmation (not 60), thereby changing the Senate rules forever…which nobody WANTS to do.  The Dems are forcing their hand on this so they can then turn around and criticize them endlessly for it….despite the fact THEY did the same thing years ago for all lower court judges AND Cabinet appointees.  The hypocrisy and intellectual dishonesty of liberal Democrats is as limitless as Michael Moore’s appetite…dammit, there I go again.

Need to get my bearings for a moment…let’s see..bashed Freedom Caucus Republicans, then the Senate Democrat hypocrite snowflakes…oh yeah, the liberal media’s turn.  Two great examples of screaming liberal media bias last week.  The first was the awful terror attack in London where a guy in a car mowed down folks walking over a bridge right in the heart of the city. Clearly an act of Islamic Terrorism, but was initially described by the media as “International terrorism.”  WHAT!?  These bleeding heart snowflakes. paralyzed by suffocating political correctness, PRETEND that terrorism is somehow perpetrated by some cross-section of nationalities? Really? And while these things certainly happen in the U.S., it is Europe that is reaping the misery of decades of unfettered immigration…not a chicken in every pot, but a terrorist cell on every block.  We need to fight the Socialist Libs in this country every day that would relish putting us on that same path because of their stupid, dangerous Leftist PC ideology.  And then there was the alleged rape of a 14-year-old girl in a Maryland high school bathroom by two older illegals…right as the Maryland Legislature is on the cusp of officially declaring Maryland a sanctuary state.  National story all day long.  As stated by Bill O’Reilly, “ABC, NBC, CBS did not cover it on their nightly news broadcasts.  CNN did not cover the Maryland story in primetime last night. Ditto MSNBC. That is beyond anything I have ever seen in my 40 years-plus of journalism.”  I mean, are we REALLY surprised by this?  Of course, such an incident flies in the face of the Left’s open border agenda…therefore it’s not reported and didn’t happen.  Maybe when the family members of these despicable lefties get raped and murdered by illegals, they’ll change their tune.

Sadly for these anarchists, I doubt it.


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