The Russian House of Cards

I don’t know about you, but I’m getting pretty damn fatigued from hearing 24/7 about Russian interference in our election, and how if we don’t DO SOMETHING RIGHT NOW ABOUT IT, the end of our democracy is imminent.  Do you think for one nanosecond that had Hillary won the election (momentary nausea at THAT thought), these Libs would give a rat’s ass about the Russians?  Please.  Trying to get to the bottom of what Russia did or didn’t do is fine.  But the feigned outrage and hysteria over this is more than laughable as we know the Russians have been interfering in elections all over the world for decades.  And so have we…Russia, Israel, etc. Look it up.  Not condoning any of it, but the cries from the Looney Left about the END OF THE REPUBLIC are more hysterical and unhinged than the MSNBC and CNN snowflakes on election night.

So here we sit, forced to endure an Intelligence Committee hearing on all of this on Capitol Hill Monday…a complete Keystone Cop Congressional Clusterf**k, as these uber-partisan Democratic sleuths gleefully told us how this guy talked to that guy…Russia, Russia, Russia…in search of that “AH HA!” moment.  Nine months of investigations.  The elusive smoking gun.  Of course, according to the Democrats, conversing with anyone of Russian descent about any subject is smoke…AND WHERE THERE’S SMOKE, DAMMIT…you know the rest.  But alas, for these sorry, pathetic Libs, not even a lowly spark.  Hacked emails?  Old news…VERY old news. Changed the election?  Nope.  Collusion with the Russians by Team Trump?  Nope.  If these dishonest Trump hating Socialist hypocrites and their propagandist buddies in the so-called “media” exhibited one-tenth of the exuberant fervor to explore…rather than ignore… all of the recent reporting of potentially illegal surveillance and leaks related to Trump and his associates during and after the election…most notably by their beloved NY Times…they might be able to claim a modicum of credibility.

It appears the Dems got just what they wanted by parading FBI Director Jim Comey in front of the Intelligence Committee.  He confirmed that there was STILL an ongoing investigation of Trump colluding with the Russians.  Keep THAT narrative alive…check.  Then, with regard to Trump’s tweet accusing Obama of surveilling him, Comey says, “I have no information to support those tweets.”  Of course, in this case, he would neither confirm nor deny the existence of an investigation.  So…throw cold water on THAT narrative…check.  We’re seeing two very important…and common…things here:  1)  A lot of parsing of words and semantics. Trump used the term “wiretap” in his tweet, and anyone with one iota of intellectual honesty KNOWS he used that term generically to mean any kind of “surveillance.”  And by specifying “Obama,” he was simply referring to the previous Administration.  Also, purposefully careful statements like “I have no information at this time,”  and “not to my knowledge.”  And other such CYA comments.  2)  For anyone being directly or indirectly accused of involvement in surveilling Trump, vehement denials.  Always have to hearken back to the Clinton’s here…the Olympic Gold Medalists in the 100 Meter Deny, Deny, Deny Freestyle.  I DID NOT HAVE SEX WITH THAT WOMAN!  And they taught their liberal brethren quite well.  The greater the feigned outrage at the accusation, the greater likelihood it’s true.  Recent example…Donna Brazile, acting DNC Chair during last few months of the campaign, vigorously denied sharing debate questions with Hillary. Until she admitted it.  She initially acted like she was being accused of killing Kennedy. All I’m saying is that at this point, the denials mean nothing because this is what these people do 100% of the time when they’re caught with their hand in the cookie jar.

Funny how all of the previous reporting by major news organizations regarding Trump Tower surveillance before and after the election is now barely mentioned.  As Pat Buchanan states in his most recent column, “Is the FBI investigating the intelligence sources who committed felonies by illegally disclosing information about the Trump campaign?   Indeed, if there was no surveillance of Trump of any kind, where did all these stories come from, which their reporters attributed to “intelligence sources”?   So, amidst the orgy of speculation of this hearing, the one crime that has already been proven…the many instances of leaking of classified information and unmasking of names to the media…was completely whitewashed by the partisan Dems.  Yep…10 years behind bars for that.  Gotta protect their buddies, right? Obama and his minions have a LONG, LONG history of using the Justice Dept, intelligence community, and other Gov’t agencies as tools to damage his political enemies.  That’s a fact, my friends.  Of course, Obama himself will always have “plausible deniability.”  This whole thing stinks more than the day old section at the fish market.

And this just in, literally, as I’m writing this, from Politico…“Members of the Donald Trump transition team, possibly including Trump himself, were under U.S. government surveillance following November’s presidential election, House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) told reporters Wednesday.  Nunes said the surveillance appeared to be legal but that he was concerned because it was not related to the FBI’s investigation into Russia’s meddling in the election and was widely disseminated across the intelligence community.”  Trump tweet vindicated…check.  DO NOT FORGET…As I wrote about in a previous blog post,..Two weeks before Trump was inaugurated, outgoing Attorney General Loretta Lynch secretly signed an order directing the National Security Agency to make available raw spying data to all other federal intelligence agencies.  This was clearly to allow the free flow of this raw data (no justification of “need” required) among the entire national security apparatus, thus allowing continual leaks to the liberal media by Obama loyalists to undermine Trump from Day 1.  Three step process:  1) Create false narratives based on illegally leaked information;  2) Reported ad nauseam by the lib media;  3)  “Truth” created. That’s the drill.  THIS IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW BEFORE OUR EYES!   Jesus, my cat Chloe could connect these dots.  And imagine the reverse…an outgoing Republican administration pulling this crap on an incoming Democratic administration?  OMG.  Armageddon.

And with the bomb Devin Nunes dropped late yesterday, these Libs…likely all the way up to Obama, are covering up faster than a 300 pound woman at the beach.  The house of cards is collapsing.  When this is all said and done, it could make Watergate look like spitting on the sidewalk.


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