Daily Archives: March 23, 2017

The Russian House of Cards

I don’t know about you, but I’m getting pretty damn fatigued from hearing 24/7 about Russian interference in our election, and how if we don’t DO SOMETHING RIGHT NOW ABOUT IT, the end of our democracy is imminent.  Do you think for one nanosecond that had Hillary won the election (momentary nausea at THAT thought), these Libs would give a rat’s ass about the Russians?  Please.  Trying to get to the bottom of what Russia did or didn’t do is fine.  But the feigned outrage and hysteria over this is more than laughable as we know the Russians have been interfering in elections all over the world for decades.  And so have we…Russia, Israel, etc. Look it up.  Not condoning any of it, but the cries from the Looney Left about the END OF THE REPUBLIC are more hysterical and unhinged than the MSNBC and CNN snowflakes on election night.
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