Spy Games

President Trump’s address to Congress…Wow!  Inspirational, aspirational, and no doubt, Presidential.  Even some praise from the Looney Left…maybe pigs DO fly.  Probably the most poignant moment of the night, however, was when President Trump honored Carryn Owens, widow of Ryan Owens, a Navy SEAL killed in Yemen recently during a raid against al-Qaida. Enter Michael Moore, President of the Pinko Posse, who so condescendingly called Carryn Owens a “poor woman,” and went on to say, “That’s why she’s there as sort of an f-you for the people who are criticizing [the mission Navy SEAL Ryan Owens was killed in].  And to use that to put another notch on his belt and what is he thinking about? My ratings. Record applause. Record ratings. I’m going to get an Emmy for this, most applause for a dead soldier on my watch. This is the sickness of this man.”  Not even worthy of comment, other than to say that Carryn Owens has more strength, class, and grace in a single strand of hair than that communist Moore has in his whole disgusting bloated carcass.

There…I just had to get some of that off my chest…first and foremost to give the President props for his awesome speech to Congress, as well as throw a few colorful adjectives at that repulsive beached whale, Michael Moore.  That’s always fun…ain’t gonna lie.  Pardon the rather sharp turn here to get into what I really need to talk about…and that is an organized and coordinated effort to destroy President Trump, his Administration, and his agenda.  Oh, how I long for the days of simple tantrums and leg-wetting from the crybaby Libs.  Through leaks, unnamed sources, and yes, all kinds of surveillance, his enemies have one goal…to get Trump out of office by looking for some bombshell.  Or in lieu of that, death by a thousand cuts…and it’s already started…Michael Flynn, gone.  Jeff Sessions, on life support.  And the puppet master behind all of this?  None other than Barry Soetoro (a.k.a. Barack Hussein Obama). Let’s see…Obama moved to a house a couple blocks from the White House, and his closest White House advisor for his entire presidency…Valerie Jarrett…is MOVING IN WITH HIM AND MICHELLE!  ARE YOU KIDDING ME!  This isn’t about “consenting adults”…this is Subversion Perversion.  A couple of months ago, people scoffed at the terms “Shadow Government” and “Deep State.”  Not anymore.  We know Obama is heavily involved in a left-wing political group called Organizing for Action which gives specific instructions for how to disrupt town halls conducted by Republicans, and other “Faux Protesting 101” tutorials, etc.  We also know this, from Michael Goodwin of the NY Post, “The recent New York Times report that Obama and his team dropped intelligence findings like bread crumbs so they would get wide readership and to prevent the Trump administration from burying them reveals an attempt to undermine if not subvert a legally elected president.”  It is nothing short of breathtaking that Obama, his minions, and the media began actively undermining and attempting to destroy Trump before he ever took the oath of office.

THIS IS THE REAL STORY PEOPLE!!!  The media smokescreen is the whole phony Russian narrative, perpetrated via the use of illegal leaks of classified information and unnamed sources to continue the drumbeat that somehow Trump colluded with the Russians in the election email hacking.  This has been investigated for months, and it’s pure fantasy.  All they can do is take pieces of nothing, like Jeff Sessions meeting IN HIS OFFICE with the Russian Ambassador in his capacity as Senator and a member of the Armed Services Committee…and then slinging a bunch of contrived accusations against the wall to see if any will stick.  Talk about making a mountain out of a mole hill…a political boob job, of sorts.

So when The Donald tweets this past weekend accusing Obama of wiretapping him during the election, the whole political world starts spinning out of control like the Tasmanian Devil. Despite the criticism he has endured over this claim, it was a total stroke of genius, in my humble opinion.  The Obama Administration has a long, documented history of using the intelligence community to spy on his enemies.  The Clinton’s taught them well.  The Dirty Dems are now on the defensive, and likely shaking in their pink slippers over a pending Senate investigation into this.  This could make Watergate look like jaywalking.

Consider these two facts…1) NY Times reporter Michael S. Schmidt, in the January 19th and 20th editions of the Times, reported that wiretaps of people on Team Trump were passed along to the White House. This could only have been based on leaks from the huge anti-Trump faction in the intelligence community, and laid the seeds for perpetuating the fantasy that Trump was colluding with the Russians to sway the election.  Totally made up…zero evidence…but this is their end game, plain & simple.  Fast forward 6 weeks to March 4th, and Schmidt’s headline is, “Trump, Offering No Evidence, Says Obama Tapped His Phones.”  Well, which is it?  This faux reporter is contradicting his own earlier reporting.  I believe a lot of crap is about to get exposed, and these guys…including Obama…are in the Clinton “deny, deny, deny” mode big time.  2)  The following is from and article written by Judge Andrew Napolitano, a Fox News contributor, and a non-partisan straight-shooter if there ever was one…“On Jan. 3, outgoing Attorney General Loretta Lynch secretly signed an order directing the National Security Agency — America’s 60,000-person-strong domestic spying apparatus — to make available raw spying data to all other federal intelligence agencies…in doing this, she violated basic constitutional principles that were erected centuries ago to prevent just what she did.” The Judge continues that this enables “people in law enforcement to get whatever they want about whomever they wish without a showing of probable cause of crime as the Fourth Amendment requires.”  So, the subversive duo of Obama/Lynch make this stunning change with one foot out the door.  Lo and behold, a treasure trove of material from spying on Trump World now readily available to the entire intelligence community upon which to leak to their heart’s content.  And the pathetic denials and feigned outrage of the Libs and the media are both predictable and laughable.

Call me a conspiracy theorist…a right-wing nut case…whatever.  I could be dead wrong about all this.  But with a pretty good set of eyes, and plenty of brain cells left…the ones ravaged by alcohol notwithstanding…I can STILL put two and two together.  Stay tuned, I’d say we’re only in about the second inning of THIS game.

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