Daily Archives: March 9, 2017

Spy Games

President Trump’s address to Congress…Wow!  Inspirational, aspirational, and no doubt, Presidential.  Even some praise from the Looney Left…maybe pigs DO fly.  Probably the most poignant moment of the night, however, was when President Trump honored Carryn Owens, widow of Ryan Owens, a Navy SEAL killed in Yemen recently during a raid against al-Qaida. Enter Michael Moore, President of the Pinko Posse, who so condescendingly called Carryn Owens a “poor woman,” and went on to say, “That’s why she’s there as sort of an f-you for the people who are criticizing [the mission Navy SEAL Ryan Owens was killed in].  And to use that to put another notch on his belt and what is he thinking about? My ratings. Record applause. Record ratings. I’m going to get an Emmy for this, most applause for a dead soldier on my watch. This is the sickness of this man.”  Not even worthy of comment, other than to say that Carryn Owens has more strength, class, and grace in a single strand of hair than that communist Moore has in his whole disgusting bloated carcass. Continue reading