A Trifecta of Titillating Topics

This is not breaking news by any stretch…but I’m typically in a perpetual state of outrage over the never-ending stream of hypocrisy, dishonesty, and well, just general asinine words and actions emanating from the Progressive Democrats and Liberal Media.  This always seems to provide a plethora of topics from which to select to blog about on a weekly basis.  This week, however, I’ve been struck by three items, all of which motivate me to opine…a threesome, if you will…(Ok, let’s all collectively step up out of the gutter right now).  I must confess that for working the word “threesome” into a political blog (and not even mentioning Bill Clinton), I am strangely both proud and completely disgusted with myself at the same time.  Off we go, in no particular order…

Election of Chairman of Democratic National Committee:  Historically, the election of a new DNC Chair is about as exciting as waiting for Nancy Pelosi to utter something…anything…coherent.  But for political junkies in particular, this time was a lot different, in that the result would really signal the direction of the Democrat Party.  Ok, it was like the predictable ending to a crappy movie, but work with me here.  The far, far, far left candidate, Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison, BFF of Nation of Islam Leader and nut case Louis Farrakhan, was strongly endorsed by the likes of Bernie Sanders and Lizzy Warren…a.k.a. the Sonny and Cher of Socialism.  His far left opponent (note only one “far”), Tom Perez, was President Obama’s Labor Secretary, and universally considered the most far left member of Obama’s Cabinet.  He was the so-called “establishment” candidate backed by Obama, Clinton, Biden, et al…but therein lies the Trojan Horse.  Truth is, there isn’t much daylight between Ellison and Perez on the ideological continuum, yet he is being passed off as a moderate.  Of course, EVERYONE knows this, so what’s the point?  Long story short…Perez wins, names Ellison as his Deputy in a painfully obvious attempt to placate the Sanders/Warren faction of the Wacky Far Left.  So as the Democrat Party jaunt further left continues unfettered, this bodes quite well for the GOP, as we saw in November how poorly this leftist crap plays in “Real America.”  To be sure, none of this was lost on The Donald, who tweeted, “Congratulations to Thomas Perez, who has just been named Chairman of the DNC.  I could not be happier for him, or for the Republican Party!”  Gotta love our Tweeter-In-Chief.

Maria Bartiromo Destroys Dem Congressman:  Maybe “eviscerates” is a better word.  Fox Business Network host Maria Bartiromo had Rep Jim Langevin (D-RI) on her Sunday morning show to discuss President Trump’s policies on illegal immigration.  Langevin announced this week he is bringing a Muslim American doctor from Pakistan to President Trump’s speech before Congress this week.  So as this Brain Dead Lib begins dishonestly demagoguing about how President Trump’s immigration policies basically crap all over diversity and inclusiveness, Maria wasn’t having any of it, and lays on him the following…“Do you distinguish between illegal criminals and legal immigrants?…You’re bringing a Muslim immigrant who’s here legally…This is not about diversity, it’s about criminality.”  She called-out this dishonest moron for putting forth false narratives…which these Libs do oh so well…and he proceeded to stutter and stammer his way to the end of the interview.  She also rightly added another aspect that is all too seldom mentioned…how putting ALL immigrants under one umbrella is an absolute insult to legal immigrants who followed the rules and are here legally.  But this is how the Political Left and the Media demagogue issues…EVERY issue.  Grab a cold one and enjoy…https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d2cOHy-njro

And Speaking of Dishonest, Demagoguing, Brain Dead Libs...I give you California Congresswoman Maxine Waters.  This ditz was calling for Trump’s impeachment about 5 minutes after he took the oath of office.  Anyway, in a recent interview with the leftist propagandists over at MSNBC, Maxine spews this beauty about Trump’s “Dream Team” Cabinet...”This is a bunch of scumbags. That’s what they are. Who are all organized around making money,”  So, here’s a fun little game we all like to play..had a sitting Congressman or woman said this about Obama’s Cabinet, there would be 24/7 “hair-on-fire” reporting on it, demands for them to resign immediately,…and I’m pretty sure the sky would fall in…at least in Manhattan and Malibu.  Now?  Zero reporting of this other than Fox News and some conservative websites (and I did Google it).  Off the charts hypocrisy and double standard…and SO predictable.  Of course, she’s a black woman, and criticizing such a person in today’s society is like taking your own life in your hands…even if she is a complete and utter moron, and has the character of a blood-sucking parasite.  One thing I think we can ALL agree on…things like race and gender are truly invisible in the presence of such breathtaking stupidity.

So…This isn’t one of the three items, but I must confess that I watched The Oscars, and took immense pleasure in their historic screw up of calling out the WRONG movie for Best Picture. Watching these snowflakes scurry around the stage in total confusion like someone had just locked the door to their safe space was nothing short of complete and utter bliss.  Please understand though, that my only motivation for watching this train wreck was to monitor the political regurgitations of these out-of-touch Hollywood Elitists.  And in the process, if I happened upon a wardrobe malfunction or two, then so be it.  I mean, why else would I subject myself to the likelihood of being lectured by Limousine Liberals on things like gun control, immigration, and climate change as they surround themselves with heavily armed bodyguards, have ginormous WALLS surrounding their multi-zillion dollar mansions, and race around the world on private jets with carbon footprints bigger than most small midwestern towns.  So while Tinseltown A-Listers are soiling their Tommy Johns over climate change, a few of them had a woman fly here from Australia…7,500 miles…just to do their eyebrows.  Yep.  Can’t make this stuff up, folks.  This screaming hypocrisy, of course, is totally lost on these dual residents of The World of Hollywood Make Believe AND Liberal Utopia.  Too much champagne, cocaine and caviar fries your brain AND perspective, I suppose.  Not that the rest of us ham and eggers can really relate.

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