Daily Archives: March 1, 2017

A Trifecta of Titillating Topics

This is not breaking news by any stretch…but I’m typically in a perpetual state of outrage over the never-ending stream of hypocrisy, dishonesty, and well, just general asinine words and actions emanating from the Progressive Democrats and Liberal Media.  This always seems to provide a plethora of topics from which to select to blog about on a weekly basis.  This week, however, I’ve been struck by three items, all of which motivate me to opine…a threesome, if you will…(Ok, let’s all collectively step up out of the gutter right now).  I must confess that for working the word “threesome” into a political blog (and not even mentioning Bill Clinton), I am strangely both proud and completely disgusted with myself at the same time.  Off we go, in no particular order… Continue reading