Monthly Archives: March 2017

A Dizzying Week…

I love choices.  Typically, I select a topic for the week from which to opine that has sort of risen to the top…in my feeble mind, at least.  But then you have a week like last week.  So much news, so much to get pissed off about.  More choices than on the dessert cart parked next to Michael Moore’s bed.  (Apologies for yet another gratuitous Michael Moore weight joke…I have ZERO will power in that area).  I must confess, I was going to write solely about the complete and utter failure of the juvenile Republicans in the House of Representatives who STILL cannot agree on an Obamacare replacement plan after SEVEN…FRIGGIN’…YEARS.  Thanks for Nuthin’…said The Donald.  So, I will begin by giving some brief thoughts on this debacle…any more than that, and my head might explode faster than Obamacare… Continue reading

The Russian House of Cards

I don’t know about you, but I’m getting pretty damn fatigued from hearing 24/7 about Russian interference in our election, and how if we don’t DO SOMETHING RIGHT NOW ABOUT IT, the end of our democracy is imminent.  Do you think for one nanosecond that had Hillary won the election (momentary nausea at THAT thought), these Libs would give a rat’s ass about the Russians?  Please.  Trying to get to the bottom of what Russia did or didn’t do is fine.  But the feigned outrage and hysteria over this is more than laughable as we know the Russians have been interfering in elections all over the world for decades.  And so have we…Russia, Israel, etc. Look it up.  Not condoning any of it, but the cries from the Looney Left about the END OF THE REPUBLIC are more hysterical and unhinged than the MSNBC and CNN snowflakes on election night.
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They Can’t Possibly Screw This Up…Can They?

So what’s the REAL truth with the Obamacare repeal?  If you listen to the media, the Republicans are in a total state of disarray and completely ununified as to what the Obamacare replacement plan should look like.  I mean, they are ALL unified on the repeal piece…albeit, not with respect to timing, vis-a-vis replacement.  And when the Dems are in power and in the same predicament, they simply chalk-up the perceived chaos as the typical “sausage-making” of the legislative process. No such reciprocation here, as far as media narrative.  I must confess, though, at the moment, I’m clinging to that sentiment like a life-preserver, floating alone in the middle of the ocean.  Despite this being a “Pro-Republican blog, I am 1) NOT an apologist for the GOP, and 2) Fully aware that there are quite a few self-serving buffoons in Congress with an “R” next to their name…and don’t know the meaning of the word “compromise.”  Could these Republicans ACTUALLY fail in this endeavor?  They sure could…but I am refusing to believe the man who wrote “The Art of the Deal” will allow that to happen. Continue reading

Spy Games

President Trump’s address to Congress…Wow!  Inspirational, aspirational, and no doubt, Presidential.  Even some praise from the Looney Left…maybe pigs DO fly.  Probably the most poignant moment of the night, however, was when President Trump honored Carryn Owens, widow of Ryan Owens, a Navy SEAL killed in Yemen recently during a raid against al-Qaida. Enter Michael Moore, President of the Pinko Posse, who so condescendingly called Carryn Owens a “poor woman,” and went on to say, “That’s why she’s there as sort of an f-you for the people who are criticizing [the mission Navy SEAL Ryan Owens was killed in].  And to use that to put another notch on his belt and what is he thinking about? My ratings. Record applause. Record ratings. I’m going to get an Emmy for this, most applause for a dead soldier on my watch. This is the sickness of this man.”  Not even worthy of comment, other than to say that Carryn Owens has more strength, class, and grace in a single strand of hair than that communist Moore has in his whole disgusting bloated carcass. Continue reading

A Trifecta of Titillating Topics

This is not breaking news by any stretch…but I’m typically in a perpetual state of outrage over the never-ending stream of hypocrisy, dishonesty, and well, just general asinine words and actions emanating from the Progressive Democrats and Liberal Media.  This always seems to provide a plethora of topics from which to select to blog about on a weekly basis.  This week, however, I’ve been struck by three items, all of which motivate me to opine…a threesome, if you will…(Ok, let’s all collectively step up out of the gutter right now).  I must confess that for working the word “threesome” into a political blog (and not even mentioning Bill Clinton), I am strangely both proud and completely disgusted with myself at the same time.  Off we go, in no particular order… Continue reading