The Greatest Show on Earth

It will be forever known simply as “The Press Conference.”  So generic, yet so universally understood.  A sight to behold…Ringmaster Trump holding court, and the circus clowns in the media doing somersaults.  I was halfway expecting an old VW to drive up with 42 midgets pouring out (uh, little people…that’s PC, right?).  In this case, I think the conventional wisdom is spot on…if you’re Pro-Trump, it was heaven.  And the Never Trumpsters, right on cue, had their typical hissy-fit, “hair on fire” overreaction…the end of the Republic, no doubt.  As for me?  Well, I have not been as thoroughly entertained since the first time I saw John Belushi crush a beer can on this head in Animal House.  What a joy to witness the raw calling out of the fraudulent media BY THE COMMANDER IN CHIEF, and in the process, expose their own skin…thinner than even Joe Biden’s hair plugs.  Fake story after fake story, retraction after retraction.  BREAKING NEWS! TRUMP REMOVES BUST OF MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. FROM OVAL OFFICE!  RACIST! RACIST!  Uh, wait a minute…there was just someone standing in front of it?  Oops.  Millions read fake story, 14 people see the retraction.  Ok, we get the drill.  Here’s the reality…the ENTIRE nation sees exactly what the media is doing…it’s just that about half the country happens to be ok with it because they share the same hysterical, unhinged hatred for President Trump.

The feigned outrage by these media frauds is as laughable as Trump asking Bill Clinton to run the White House intern program.  Enjoy the following quotes from a couple of the more prominent fragile media cream puffs…“This is not a laughing matter. I’m sorry, delegitimizing the press is un-American,” tweeted Chuck Todd, Meet The Press moderator.  Well Chuckie, I beg to differ…and very interesting choice of words, by the way.  Any delegitimizing of the press has been completely self-administered, with your own reporting of fakes news, advancing false narratives, and almost 24/7 negative coverage in an overt attempt to destroy a President.  You guys are running neck-and-neck with Benedict Arnold on the Patriot Meter.  And no, we haven’t forgotten your tawdry political one-night stand, colluding with the Democrat party against both Bernie Sanders and The Donald…thanks for that little revelation, Wikileaks.  Clearly failing in your RESPONSIBILITY to report the news fairly, objectively, and accurately is about as UN-AMERICAN as is gets, is it not?  Talk about the pot calling the kettle black…wait, is that racist? Hmmm.  Anyway, soak this one in from CNN anchor Jake “The Snake” Tapper, “If you are a soldier in harm’s way right now, if you are a hungry child in Appalachia or the inner city, if you are an unemployed worker in a hollow shell of a steel town, that’s not a president who seemed rather focused on your particular needs and wants.”  Wow, what a drama queen…cue the violins.  Had Tapper, and the rest of his leftist media buddies for that matter, bothered to report on the litany of accomplishments by the Trump Administration in just the first 30 days…he would get a sense of the sheer stupidity of that statement.  I mean, even Fox News has plenty of negative reporting on Trump, but they show the positives on the other side of the ledger as well…fair and balanced, simple concept…right?  An inquisitive, skeptical, and even adversarial press is fine…if manifested in an intellectually honest way, and without agendas and the pursuit of false narratives.  Maybe guys like Jake Tapper and Chuck Todd ought to go intern over at Fox for a while, as they clearly haven’t gotten the hang of this journalism thing yet.  And one last tip guys…O’Reilly likes his coffee with two sugars and no cream.

So how is it that Trump didn’t start this fight, yet the media tries to portray him as the bully? One thing that surely is not fake news is that Trump…by his own proclamation…is a master counter-puncher.  We’ve seen it a million times.  And there’s no way on God’s Green Earth that Trump is going to let these leg-wetting media lightweights get away with this out of control journalistic fraud.  The only way to deal with a bully is to hit them 10 times harder than they hit you…and that, we witnessed last week in epic fashion.  Countries like Syria, North Korea, Russia, and Iran should take note…the last eight years of wiping the dog crap off of their shoes onto President Doormat are history.

Let me close by sharing a great excerpt from a recent article by a guy that totally gets it, and one of my favorite political writers, Michael Goodwin of the NY Post…“As legendary New Yorker Ed Koch often said about his own criticisms of the press and judges, he didn’t lose his First Amendment rights when he became mayor.  So it is with Trump. He’s free, like all Americans, to speak his mind. His words carry more weight as president, but attempts to silence him are truly un-American. The White House is not a coddled college safe space. Something else Koch said also is relevant. He once called a journalist who was a partisan critic a “politician with a press pass.”  That’s how Trump sees much of the media, and he’s more right than wrong. Many tried to block his election, and now are trying to destroy his presidency.  They have a choice: Get back to being journalists, or get used to being a piñata.”  


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