Daily Archives: February 23, 2017

The Greatest Show on Earth

It will be forever known simply as “The Press Conference.”  So generic, yet so universally understood.  A sight to behold…Ringmaster Trump holding court, and the circus clowns in the media doing somersaults.  I was halfway expecting an old VW to drive up with 42 midgets pouring out (uh, little people…that’s PC, right?).  In this case, I think the conventional wisdom is spot on…if you’re Pro-Trump, it was heaven.  And the Never Trumpsters, right on cue, had their typical hissy-fit, “hair on fire” overreaction…the end of the Republic, no doubt.  As for me?  Well, I have not been as thoroughly entertained since the first time I saw John Belushi crush a beer can on this head in Animal House.  What a joy to witness the raw calling out of the fraudulent media BY THE COMMANDER IN CHIEF, and in the process, expose their own skin…thinner than even Joe Biden’s hair plugs.  Fake story after fake story, retraction after retraction.  BREAKING NEWS! TRUMP REMOVES BUST OF MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. FROM OVAL OFFICE!  RACIST! RACIST!  Uh, wait a minute…there was just someone standing in front of it?  Oops.  Millions read fake story, 14 people see the retraction.  Ok, we get the drill.  Here’s the reality…the ENTIRE nation sees exactly what the media is doing…it’s just that about half the country happens to be ok with it because they share the same hysterical, unhinged hatred for President Trump. Continue reading