The Democratic Double-Down

The Democrat Party has taken the expression “some people never learn” to heights higher than Snoop Dogg on a weekend trip to Colorado.  The United States has been, and still is, a center-right country.  So, after eight years of President Obama racing to the left at every forked road he confronted, and The Hildabeast promising more of the same, she lost the election on November 8th in breathtaking fashion…truly, the political equivalent of the poor Atlanta Falcons.  But beyond her own scandal ridden ineptness, the stunning losses by the Dems in November were simply a continuation of the total and complete repudiation of Obama’s violent dragging of the country to the far left.  This rejection movement cut its teeth back in the 2010 midterm elections in response to the nationally administered Obamacare colonoscopy, sans anesthesia…and not even a lousy glass of Cabernet to loosen us up.  Ouch.  This trend has continued to this day, with the Dems getting their political asses handed to them at all levels…State Legislatures, Governorships, Congressional seats, and The Granddaddy of Them All (No, not the Rose Bowl)…The White House.  And their obvious response to this marathon of losing?  Double down and move even HARDER to the left, of course!  What geniuses.

So what are we really talking about here?  Well…after losing a presidential election, Republicans and Democrats alike typically scratch their heads when asked who the leader of the party is. For the Dems, that would be based on whose mugs I see most frequently in front of the cameras spewing their tired liberal gibberish…The Three Stooges of Socialism themselves…Chuckie Schumer, Nan C. Pelosi, and Lizzy Warren.  And believe me…as a Three Stooges aficionado, I am loath to insult my beloved Stooges by making this comparison…Ok, except maybe for Shemp. So therein lies the laughable state of the Democrat party, run by a bunch of radical bomb throwing leftists.  I think it would be easier finding Bigfoot dancing in the woods and wearing a tutu than locating a moderate voice in today’s far left Democrat party (with apologies to Joe Manchin, Dem Senator from West Virginia).

Although painfully obvious…still, don’t take it from me about how out of touch the leftist Democrat party is.  You might remember former Virginia Democratic Senator Jim Webb, who briefly challenged Hillary in the 2016 Presidential election.  Consider the following excerpt from a recent Investor’s Business Daily editorial titled, “Is Jim Webb The Only Sane Democrat Left?”...”A whimsical definition of a gaffe is “when a politician accidentally speaks the truth.” By that measure, former Virginia Senator Jim Webb committed a gaffe of huge proportions over the weekend.  On “Meet the Press”, Webb admitted that the Democratic Party has no ideas to offer, that it’s determined to destroy the Trump administration and — here’s the gaffe — that “the Democratic Party over the past five or six years has moved very far to the left.”  An honest Democrat.  Needle in a haystack.

Anyway…with no message, no leader, and a whole crapload of election anger still festering, the Dems have, shall we say, turned it up a notch?  They’ve gone WAY beyond the infantile crying and bed-wetting, and a protest here and there.  The protests have gotten more frequent and violent, and have included things like blocking ambulances from reaching hospitals, and physically blocking Education Secretary Betsy DeVos from entering a school and screaming in her face.  How nice.  President Obama has said he is “heartened” by anti-Trump protests, and he is in fact pulling some of the strings behind the scenes.  Didn’t hear that on NBC, did ya?  The following excerpts are from a Feb. 11th NY Post article titled, “How Obama is Scheming to Sabotage Trump’s Presidency.”…“Obama has an army of agitators — numbering more than 30,000 — who will fight his Republican successor at every turn of his historic presidency.  He’s working behind the scenes to set up what will effectively be a shadow government to not only protect his threatened legacy, but to sabotage the incoming administration and its popular “America First” agenda.  He’s doing it through a network of leftist nonprofits led by Organizing for Action.  Obama is intimately involved in OFA operations and even tweets from the group’s account. In fact, he gave marching orders to OFA foot soldiers following Trump’s upset victory. OFA activists helped organize anti-Trump marches across US cities, some of which turned into riots.”  So, while these sniveling leftist diaper-wearing safe space dwellers attempt to pass off all of this as some sort of “organic uprising” like the Tea Party…in reality, it’s about as organic as a friggin’ bag of Doritos.  A bunch of Trump-hating Socialist wannabe’s staring at Facebook waiting for their next marching orders.  Pathetic.  Get a life…or a job.  I’m sure Trump can help you with the latter.

Even worse is the sabotage occurring from inside the government.  What you have are a bunch of anti-Trump civil servants and loyalists left-over from the Obama Administration like some stale turkey a few days after Thanksgiving, that are still running around the White House, security agencies, and other parts of the Gov’t bureaucracy.  The White House is literally under siege, including a mountain of leaks, presumably coming from the intelligence community and others in the pro-Obama faction. Most recently, they were successful in forcing out National Security Advisor Michael Flynn via illegally leaking classified information obtained via private conversations with his Russian counterparts.  As stated by Eli Lake in a Bloomberg article titled, “The Political Assassination of Michael Flynn,“Normally intercepts of U.S. officials and citizens are some of the most tightly held government secrets. This is for good reason. Selectively disclosing details of private conversations monitored by the FBI or NSA gives the permanent state the power to destroy reputations from the cloak of anonymity. This is what police states do.”  This insatiable appetite to destroy Trump, literally at any cost, is dangerous, disturbing, and unprecedented.  And completely enabled by the media.  Shocker.

At this point,  I would really expect nothing less from the un-American subversives in today’s Dumbocrat party.   A myopic vision to destroy one man, and the well-being of the country be damned, right?  I mean, how the hell can Trump ever preside over a government with any semblance of functionality under these circumstances?  But alas…this is the Lib’s fatal flaw. Their so-called strategy will backfire on them louder than that broad Lizzy Warren’s cackling leftist shrieks. They envision themselves as operating under some cloak of stealthiness, but they’re really like a burglar tiptoeing through a house on floors covered with bubble wrap…pop, pop…uh, we can hear you.  We know the scam…and yes, you will be punished for it by the voters that REALLY count.  So, continuing to mobilize a far left base in a center-right country will fail miserably in 2020…except maybe garnering another million votes in Manhattan and Malibu.

Anyway, after watching Trump beat 16 others to get the nomination when every so-called “expert” said he had zero chance, and then proceed to hand an electoral bitch-slapping to the White House heir apparent in stunning fashion…my money’s on Trump in this war against some piss-ant leftist Obama flunkies and their incestuous partners in the leg-wetting media.

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