Daily Archives: February 16, 2017

The Democratic Double-Down

The Democrat Party has taken the expression “some people never learn” to heights higher than Snoop Dogg on a weekend trip to Colorado.  The United States has been, and still is, a center-right country.  So, after eight years of President Obama racing to the left at every forked road he confronted, and The Hildabeast promising more of the same, she lost the election on November 8th in breathtaking fashion…truly, the political equivalent of the poor Atlanta Falcons.  But beyond her own scandal ridden ineptness, the stunning losses by the Dems in November were simply a continuation of the total and complete repudiation of Obama’s violent dragging of the country to the far left.  This rejection movement cut its teeth back in the 2010 midterm elections in response to the nationally administered Obamacare colonoscopy, sans anesthesia…and not even a lousy glass of Cabernet to loosen us up.  Ouch.  This trend has continued to this day, with the Dems getting their political asses handed to them at all levels…State Legislatures, Governorships, Congressional seats, and The Granddaddy of Them All (No, not the Rose Bowl)…The White House.  And their obvious response to this marathon of losing?  Double down and move even HARDER to the left, of course!  What geniuses. Continue reading