Making Sense of The Intolerant, Incontinent Left

The unhinged intolerance of Liberals never ceases to amaze me.  And what’s more amazing than even the ’69 Mets is that, like Dracula, who can’t see himself in a mirror, these Libs are somehow completely blind to the fact that everything they dishonestly purport President Trump and conservatives to be, they in fact ARE…Fascists, being at the top of the list. Their vision is so blurred by the non-stop waterfall of tears flowing since November 8th that they cannot even see the mountain of irony and hypocrisy right in front of their nose.  This is displayed most dramatically by the constant assault…literally…of the 1st Amendment rights of conservative speakers invited on college campuses to engage in a free exchange of ideas. Liberals can no longer dismiss this type of subversive crap as anecdotal as it happens more frequently than Nancy Pelosi’s dimwitted statements.  The most recent example happened in…you got it…The People’s Republic of California.  But make no mistake…this has been happening for years all over the country, and largely ignored by the incompetent lemmings in the mainstream media.

About a week ago, Milo Yianoppoulos, Senior Editor for Breitbart News, a conservative news and opinion website, was set to speak at the University of California, Berkeley (yeah, THAT Berkeley) as part of his college speaking tour.  Like many before him, his 1st Amendment right to speak, as well as that same rights of people wishing to hear him speak, was extinguished by violent protesters. I suppose nobody ever told these liberal twits that their 1st Amendment right DOES NOT INCLUDE inhibiting the 1st Amendment rights of others.  This nuance has no doubt escaped these Fascists as they seemingly spend their waking hours calling everyone on the planet bigots that do not happen to agree with their own stupid leftist views.  And when they’re not calling people every “-ist” in the book, these bed-wetters are no doubt trolling the internet looking for good deals on Depends and rubber sheets.  In an interview with Fox News, Milo said of his opponents, “They never want to debate because they’re scared of losing. They don’t have the facts on their side and for 30 years the left has been able to bully people into silence by name-calling and they’ve forgotten how to argue.”   Spot on.

And by the way, my calling these Libs Fascists is simply based on their own ACTIONS.  What other conclusion is one to draw?  What they’re saying is, “I don’t like your views, therefore I will perpetrate violence upon you to physically shut you down, thereby stomping on your 1st Amendment right to free speech.  That’s Fascism folks…The Thought Police, plain and simple. What I say is, “I don’t like your views, so I will either not listen to them, or if overtaken by some sort of warped curiosity…like staring at a 15 car pile-up…I may actually go listen to you.”  Worst you can call me is snarky and indignant.  Big, Big difference.

But there is an explanation to all of the seemingly non-stop violent protests and vile name calling that we are all forced to endure from the Laughable Loony Left.  And that explanation resides in the name Saul Alinsky…a radical liberal activist community organizer (reminds me of someone, just can’t quite put my finger on it), very active in the 60’s, died in 1972.  And a guy who Obama aggressively tried to distance himself from in the 2008 campaign due to his radical history…but in fact, both Obama AND Hillary were disciples of this nut.  He was famously the subject of Hillary’s senior thesis at Wellesley College, and Hillary knew him personally.  Most informed liberals know all too well these ties to the leftist radical Alinsky and his role in shaping their views, but will always universally dismiss them when confronted.  As opposed to the ass-kissing mainstream media who wouldn’t do their job, guys like Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck spoke in great detail of this documented history back in 2008, but were dismissed as kooks by the Left. Understandable, as these Libs had more to hide than a squirrel with a big stash of acorns.  I mean, they didn’t want the Average Joe voter to REALLY know what Obama meant when he spoke of “fundamentally transforming The United States of America.”  Despite the incompetent media and their protective smokescreens, you certainly didn’t need to be Woodward OR Bernstein to figure out what Barry meant by that.  Boggles my mind to this day.

Alinsky was most famous for his last published book, Rules for Radicals.  His 12 Rules for Radicals were basically a template for how to affect “change” in a society…more specifically, how to transform a nation to a socialist state.  And herein lies the key to understanding the seemingly insane gyrations of the Left in this country as we speak.  For my purposes here, I will just focus on two of these rules that go directly to the vile name calling, and one that explains the non-stop protests:

RULE 5: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” There is no defense. It’s irrati­onal. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into conces­sions.

RULE 12: Pick the target, freeze it, person­alize it, and polarize it. Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not instit­utions; people hurt faster than instit­utions.

So, in mathematical terms…Rule 5 + Rule 12 = Vile Name Calling.  Well, that was as easy as stumbling upon an anti-Trump protest in San Francisco.  And speaking of protests…

RULE 10: “If you push a negative hard enough, it will push through and become a positive.” Violence from the other side can win the public to your side because the public sympat­hizes with the underdog.

Rule 10 is a bit more stealthy, but we saw it play out over and over again during the campaign, as well as today.  Anti-Trump (mostly paid) protesters provoke the opposition into some act of aggression (often self-defense) and then portray them as the instigators, thereby attempting to garner sympathy.  The media knowingly plays into this BIG TIME.  And for their part, Democratic leaders from Obama on down typically laud this “right to protest”, despite the violence. Obviously big fans of Rule 10.  Thankfully, what we are clearly witnessing in society is a growing tsunami of folks understanding the tactics of the Left, and dismissing them as un-American and pathetic. So these Alinsky-ites fight back harder, like a rabid animal backed into a corner.  This situation in technical terms is commonly referred to as, “The jig is up.”

In an interview with Playboy magazine shortly before his death, Alinsky, when speaking of the afterlife and expressing his desire to go to Hell, said “Hell would be heaven for me. All my life I’ve been with the have-nots. Over here, if you’re a have-not, you’re short of dough. If you’re a have-not in hell, you’re short of virtue. Once I get into hell, I’ll start organizing the have-nots over there.”

I do know one thing…this leftist scumbag certainly didn’t need a genie in a bottle to grant him THAT wish.

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