Daily Archives: February 8, 2017

Making Sense of The Intolerant, Incontinent Left

The unhinged intolerance of Liberals never ceases to amaze me.  And what’s more amazing than even the ’69 Mets is that, like Dracula, who can’t see himself in a mirror, these Libs are somehow completely blind to the fact that everything they dishonestly purport President Trump and conservatives to be, they in fact ARE…Fascists, being at the top of the list. Their vision is so blurred by the non-stop waterfall of tears flowing since November 8th that they cannot even see the mountain of irony and hypocrisy right in front of their nose.  This is displayed most dramatically by the constant assault…literally…of the 1st Amendment rights of conservative speakers invited on college campuses to engage in a free exchange of ideas. Liberals can no longer dismiss this type of subversive crap as anecdotal as it happens more frequently than Nancy Pelosi’s dimwitted statements.  The most recent example happened in…you got it…The People’s Republic of California.  But make no mistake…this has been happening for years all over the country, and largely ignored by the incompetent lemmings in the mainstream media. Continue reading