Fake News, Fake Outrage, and Fake Tears

Since Inauguration Day, anyone who still thinks politics as usual is NOT dead has either been binge-watching Netflix, on a week-long bender, or in a coma.  It seems President Trump went out of his way in his first week in office to prove his non-politician pedigree by actually getting the wheels in motion to deliver pretty much everything he campaigned on…shudder the thought.  This is evidenced by the dizzying flurry of executive orders, from killing the Trans-Pacific Partnership, to the rollback of Obamacare, to the revival of the Keystone XL Pipeline…and on & on.  While Hillary and Bernie promised, ad nauseam, free college education…for which they knew bloody well would NEVER happen…Trump’s promises were not simply empty campaign blather.  Damn refreshing as far as I’m concerned.

So President Trump’s first week shock and awe campaign of executive orders pummeled the Democrats and liberal media into political oblivion.  And just as they were pulling themselves up off the canvas in a figurative bloody stupor, and mustered just enough energy to call Trump a Bigoted Nazi for the millionth time, in came the knockout blow…the temporary 90 day ban of people coming to the U.S. from seven countries, identified by the OBAMA ADMINISTRATION as recent hotbeds of terror that harbor and train terrorists…and an indefinite pause of the Syrian refugee program.  Consider the following excerpt from CNN.com…”In December 2015, President Obama signed into law a measure placing limited restrictions on certain travelers who had visited Iran, Iraq, Sudan, or Syria on or after March 1, 2011. Two months later, the Obama administration added Libya, Somalia, and Yemen to the list, in what it called an effort to address “the growing threat from foreign terrorist fighters.”  While Trump’s executive order is clearly a broadening of Obama’s action, I can’t recall a solitary peep out of the leftists or liberal media about this.  Why was this not considered a “targeting of Muslims” back then?   Restrictions?  Ban?  Differing of degree, but exact same concept.  Not convinced yet of the screaming hypocrisy?  Try this one on for size…a bit of history, courtesy of the Washington Times…”Mr. Obama in 2011 imposed a six-month pause on Iraqi refugees after the FBI concluded that terrorists had managed to exploit the program. One person was admitted even though his fingerprints were found on an improvised explosive device in Iraq.  Problems persisted even after that. Two men who entered as refugees from Iraq — including one who’d most recently lived in Syria — were charged with terrorism-related crimes a year ago.”  Are we getting this yet?   I suppose the Iraqis are lower on the refugee pecking order than the Syrians for some unexplained reason.  I recall no activist media hysteria, protests, tears from actor wannabe Democrats in Congress, or award show lecturing from the amateur national security experts in LA LA Land ….just crickets chirping.  Same old drill…Overt Hypocrisy.  Argument lost. Vile name calling to follow.

So let me get this straight…Trump wants a pause in the Syrian refugee program because there are no records to vet people, and ISIS has stated numerous times their intention to infiltrate the program and pose as refugees.  For trying to protect the nation, Trump is a bigoted Islamophobe.  Obama does the EXACT SAME THING vis-a-vis Iraq in 2011, and nobody blinks. Hey Libs, don’t get torqued at me, I’m just pointing out facts.   And for their part, the lying activist media is up to their old, tired, and transparent tactic of repeating their BS narrative so many times that a certain segment of America, namely the Brain-Dead Lemming Contingent, start believing it…IT’S A MUSLIM BAN!!!  Uh…no it isn’t.  Darn it, those pesky little facts getting in the way again. Now, when Trump adds the other 45 or so Muslim-majority countries to the temporary ban, as well as the zillions of Muslims residing in Europe and other countries, then come talk to me. Until then, shut you pie-hole and stop lying.  Dissent here is fine, if based on facts and intellectual honesty…words clearly absent from the Lib-tionary. You want to legitimately criticize this?  Fine. How about the sloppy roll-out of the program, including the green card confusion and apparent lack of proper communication and direction to the various agencies, as well as other countries, tasked with following this order.  Totally valid criticism, and hopefully, lessons learned by some of the novices in the White House.  In sports vernacular, an unforced error.  All of that notwithstanding, a whole 109 people NATIONWIDE were detained (out of 325,000 foreigners flying to the U.S. on the first day of the order), and have all been granted waivers and released. Going forward, folks will be temporarily blocked from obtaining visas on the front end, so there should be no more people caught in transit and detained at airports.  Yeah, 109 people.  The only real chaos at the airports was created by the leg-wetting protesters themselves, always at the ready when Soros says to jump…NOT due to the 7 people detained at LAX.  (Quick Random Stock Tip: Kimberly Clark, maker of Depends.  ‘Nuff said).

I do have some choice comments to throw Senate Hypocrisy Leader Chuckie Schumer’s way, but let me first defer to the President, who had his own thoughts…“I noticed Chuck Schumer yesterday with fake tears.  I’m going to ask him who is his acting coach.”  It’s been widely reported that Chuckie was seen yanking out a few of the 900 or so hairs residing in that schnoz of his to produce the watery eyes.  To a snowflake, accusing Crybaby Schumer of big fake crocodile tears might seem a bit harsh.  Au contraire.  Here’s what I find abhorrent…a dishonest, uber-partisan Lib like Schumer staging this fake display of emotion…with human props in tow…for purely political purposes, and all based on a phony BS media driven narrative…that he KNOWS is false.  I don’t recall the Weeping Willow of Congress shedding a tear for any victims of terrorist attacks, or Kate Steinle, or any of the other thousands of innocent Americans murdered by illegal immigrants.  And to quote former NY Police Dept Commissioner Bernie Kerik, who saw no emotion from Schumer in the aftermath of 9/11…“I never saw the man cry or whimper or any of that other stuff…You didn’t cry on Sept. 11th, you never cried with me or Rudy.”  Shocker.  Schumer ought to go be President of the People’s Republic of California once they secede.  To Libs like him, political correctness and the building of future Democratic voting constituencies trumps protecting U.S. citizens…which just happens to be THE VERY FIRST CHARTER OF THE PRESIDENT, for shit’s sake.  And this SOB has the gall to call this executive order un-American?  How this disgusting, disturbing, and dishonest hack even looks at himself in the mirror in the morning is beyond me.

But there is an academic explanation to this, and that is the theory of Acceptable Losses, typically a military term.  Americans killed on U.S. soil by criminal illegal immigrants and terrorists, homegrown or otherwise, are not in great enough numbers IN THEIR MINDS to jeopardize their adherence to the cult of political correctness, nor inhibit padding the population with immigrants from any part of the world that they perceive will one day be mostly Democratic voters…once they get here and are inevitably showered with benefits, entitlements, and welfare.  This is the only plausible fundamental explanation as to why guys like Schumer and his ilk accept porous borders, sanctuary cities, and based on numerous false narratives, perpetrate this incoherent opposition to these temporary travel and refugee bans meant to protect the nation…knowing the result will ultimately be dead Americans.  Nice.

In closing, one quick piece of advice to the Libs…stop with the nonsensical daily protesting every time President Trump rolls out of bed.  Just as you’ve succeeded in completely cheapening the impact of words like “racist” and “bigot,” so too are you with your stupid non-stop protests that are more frequent than Michael Moore’s trips to an “All-You-Can-Eat” buffet.

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