Daily Archives: February 1, 2017

Fake News, Fake Outrage, and Fake Tears

Since Inauguration Day, anyone who still thinks politics as usual is NOT dead has either been binge-watching Netflix, on a week-long bender, or in a coma.  It seems President Trump went out of his way in his first week in office to prove his non-politician pedigree by actually getting the wheels in motion to deliver pretty much everything he campaigned on…shudder the thought.  This is evidenced by the dizzying flurry of executive orders, from killing the Trans-Pacific Partnership, to the rollback of Obamacare, to the revival of the Keystone XL Pipeline…and on & on.  While Hillary and Bernie promised, ad nauseam, free college education…for which they knew bloody well would NEVER happen…Trump’s promises were not simply empty campaign blather.  Damn refreshing as far as I’m concerned. Continue reading