The Waiting is Over…Finally

Two things have become very apparent now that we’ve witnessed what was once unthinkable…the inauguration of Donald J. Trump.  The first is that The Donald is 70 years old and he’s not going to change one iota.  Second…the Trump haters will simply NEVER give the man a chance.  Minds more closed than a bar an hour after last call.  I’ve literally never seen such visceral hatred for a person not named Hitler or Bin Laden in my life.  This goes WAY beyond policy or ideological disagreements, and quite frankly, straight into a mental health issue.  And as the liberal media continue their sprint on the wheel of hate like a crazed gerbil…mocking Trump’s inauguration crowd size in the same vain as Little Marco making fun of the size of Donald’s…um…hands, Trump simply could not ignore such nonsense and triviality, and true to form, hit back hard.  Same old, same old.

So many things to comment on…and I’m going to have to tread lightly here, but many aspects of the analysis of the events of the past few days center around the Women’s March on Washington in protest of Trump’s presidency.  First, allow me to preface my remarks by saying no one on the planet has more respect for women than I do.  In fact, if not for my lovely wife, I’d be either: 1) Sleeping on a park bench somewhere, or 2) In a Turkish prison.  Now, with that little disclaimer dispensed of…The Women’s March on Washington and around the country was indeed a spectacular expression of First Amendment rights, and one that should make us all proud to be Americans. Beyond that big picture context, however, this was nothing more than an embarrassing spectacle of hate trumping hope, and a tantrum of titanic proportions.  I must say, I found this intertwining of politics and vaginas both curious and baffling.  OK, we get it…a half million liberal women reacting to the cartoonish media characterization of their new President, Donald J. Trump, as a bigoted misogynist…but to what end?  Like, they needed this big estrogen convention to show the world that they hate Trump? This was nothing more than following a page out of the tired liberal media playbook to embarrass, marginalize, and delegitimize President Trump. However, fully aware that the preceding analysis came from a knuckle-dragging Neanderthal male like myself…I’m all ears if there are any women out there that can offer a coherent alternative analysis.  If so, the latte’s are on me.

A bit more perspective on THE MARCH…even I’ll admit that for millions of women to assemble all over the country for ANY purpose is quite impressive.  However, we’re not talking any kind of grass-roots thing here.  This was about as spontaneous as Prince William and Kate’s wedding. It’s been widely reported that radical liberal billionaire George Soros was the man behind the curtain in this endeavor, with assists from dozens of other far left groups with regard to both funding and organization. Again, the only objective here was to embarrass and marginalize the President.  Duly noted.  So, Hurricane Hissyfit blows through Washington leaving nothing in its wake but piles of lady garbage.  Wonderful.  And one last thing, just because…for the “men” who attended this…and I saw quite a few in the news footage…your man-card is no longer worth the paper it’s printed on.  You ever hear the expression, “I’ll be there in spirit?”  That would have applied here.  Sad.  I’ll let you know how the Super Bowl ends up as I’m sure you’ll be too busy glued to some Lifetime movie to check into the game.

And now…the thing that pisses me off worse than running out of my favorite IPA…the vile and hateful comments spewed by Socialist Hollywood, and the complicit snickering by the leftist media in its aftermath.  Had a conservative said anything remotely like what follows, it’s front page news and career ending…the type of hypocritical BS that was instrumental in getting Trump elected.  Enjoy the following beauties, in no particular order...“Yes, I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House,” that, courtesy of The Material Girl herself, Madonna.  But let’s be understanding, I mean, 20 years of irrelevancy has GOT to weigh hard on her.  And I see she still hasn’t mentally come to terms with getting defiled by Dennis Rodman way back when.  Now, please allow me to apologize beforehand for this particularly depraved and vulgar utterance from that washed-up has-been Ashley Judd…“I am not as nasty as your own daughter being your favorite sex symbol. Like your wet dreams are infused with your own genes.”…and about 50 other such pleasantries, many with Hitler references.  Classless doesn’t begin to describe this broad.  While the previous two comments were regurgitated at THE MARCH, the next one is a gem…graced upon us by our favorite D-Lister, Chelsea “Why Haven’t You Moved to Canada Like You Promised?” Handler.  In an interview with that hard-hitting journalistic publication, Variety, Handler, after saying she would never interview Trump if she had the opportunity, was then asked the same of Melania, to which she replied, “No. Melania? To talk about what? She can barely speak English.”  I guess that genius Handler is not aware that Melania speaks five languages fluently.  The arrogance of this talentless piece of dog squeeze is only exceeded by her stupidity.  One last thing on THE MARCH…it’s been widely reported that the wonderful  “Guinness Book of World Records” folks were there to document what was the largest congregation of women simultaneously on their period in one place ever on the planet…so if you’re looking for positives…

So, the more things change, the more they stay the same.  Trump will be Trump, and the media…well, you know the rest.  It’s like Trump is our quarterback about to lead us to victory, and the media is some pesky gnat whizzing around his helmet…a meaningless annoyance.  And the Hollywood pukes?  Not even registering a blip on the relevance meter.  We will all be forced to continue to endure a media whose objective is not to report the news fairly and accurately, but to simply destroy Trump in some way, shape or form.  To be sure, the reciprocal equivalence of the eight year media ass-kissing of Obama.  Anyway, I will leave you with my three favorite lines from President Trump’s Inaugural Address:

1. “Whether we are black or brown or white, we all bleed the same red blood of patriots.”

2. “We are not merely transferring power from one administration to another or from one party to another, but we are transferring power from Washington, D.C., and giving it back to you, the people.”

3. “January 20th, 2017, will be remembered as the day the people became the rulers of this nation again.”

Some people say Trump is a wise guy.  I couldn’t agree more.

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