Is That All You Got?

Bogus recount efforts…failed.  Threatening electoral college voters…failed.  While most of the sobbing snowflakes of Liberal Land understand on some intellectual level that Donald Trump will in fact become the 45th President of the United States on January 20th, they will NEVER accept it.  If denial was an earthquake, this would be about a 9.3 on the Richter.  They also realize they can’t spend their waking hours wallowing in misery in their safe spaces screaming for someone to bring them milk, cookies, and dammit, some more coloring books…PRONTO! So…Libs are their name, delegitimizing is their game…Trump, that is.  And this my friends, is why the dangerously politicized intelligence agencies rushed out a report “officially” fingering the Russians in hacking the DNC and John Podesta’s emails.  OH, THE HUMANITY!!!

This 25 page intelligence report was a collaborative effort between the CIA, FBI, and NSA.  I read the report – (I can almost see the text bubbles floating over everyone’s head saying, “What a loser…this guy has nothing BETTER to do?”).  OK, I’ll own that.  Anyway, this report was about as anti-climactic as a Super Bowl that is 45-0 at the half.  Truth be told, had the DNC employed ANY reasonable defenses against cyber-attacks (which they didn’t), and Podesta didn’t click on an obvious phishing link in an email (which he did), I’d be blogging about something else this week. The report that was released for public consumption was the declassified version, which offered zero proof of the “conclusions” of the intelligence agencies.  OK, I get “classified” and the whole “protecting sources and methods” thing, but throw us a friggin’ bone, would ya? Makes no difference anyway.  We hack Russia.  They hack us.  They meddle in our elections.  We meddle in theirs.  In the 2011 Russian elections, then Secretary of State Clinton accused Putin’s party of rigging the elections, thereby sparking protests…not to mention the ire of Vladimir Putin…and prompting the following excerpt from the intelligence report…“Putin most likely wanted to discredit Secretary Clinton because he has publicly blamed her since 2011 for inciting mass protests against his regime in late 2011 and early 2012, and because he holds a grudge for comments he almost certainly saw as disparaging him.”  Payback is hell, I suppose.

So, not only do the liberal Democrats want to tell everyone what to believe and how to live their lives…with any alternative viewpoint eliciting an onslaught of vile name-calling…they also think they can throw a meaningless, politicized, and proofless “intelligence” report at our feet and expect us to mirror their outrage…which is as phony as 90% of the boobs in Hollywood.  And by the way, this report was leaked to the press before it was even briefed to Trump…not one person on the planet surprised by THAT.  The “hurry up” game played here was as obvious as a bad toupee.  As stated by Michael Goodwin in a January 8th NY Post article, “To be clear, it may be true that Putin ordered that the e-mails of John Podesta and the DNC be stolen and given to WikiLeaks. But officials also admit that Russia hacked our government and industries for years and always pushes negative propaganda about America, including during the 2012 campaign.  So why the sudden DefCon outrage, especially when the intelligence report concludes there was no attempt to change vote tallies?  Exactly.  This whole freak show was nothing more than a disgusting display of politics, disguised as some sort of legitimate revelation.  While the report was very clear that there was never a smidge of evidence that any vote tallies were altered, and that the effects of any of this on the actual voters are immeasurable…the intended insinuation was that this is what caused Hillary to lose, thereby delegitimizing Trump’s presidency…the proverbial “End Game.”  And I think it’s safe to now say that “hacking” has blown by the rest of the field to a convincing victory in the Hillary Excuse Derby.

What really boils my nuts is that over the past eight years of living under Obama, both government and industry in the U.S. have been hacked massively, and seemingly indiscriminately.  By Russia.  By China.  By Iran.  By Whoever.  Of course we reciprocate fully. And when the worst of these hacks are even reported…often resulting in the compromising of national security, as well as the personal information of million upon millions of Americans…we seem to get a few meaningless platitudes and a collective governmental shoulder shrug.  And now these hysterical liberals, along with the politicized intelligence agencies, ALL OF A SUDDEN are wetting their legs over hacking?  The intelligence agencies said they could not measure the voter impact of these hacked emails.  Hmmm…I’ll take a shot at that one…how about NADA. Let’s see…we found out that the DNC rigged the primaries in favor of Hillary…well, that one rates about a zero on the revelation scale.  As for John Podesta, most people outside the beltway have no idea who he is, nor do they care one iota about any embarrassing political, campaign drivel in his stupid emails.

Bottom line is if these leftist whiners spent a fraction of the time worrying about terrorists hacking into things like power grids, nuclear facilities, and financial systems as they do trying to concoct phony excuses for Hillary’s defeat, we’d be MUCH better off.  I’ll even let the Libs in on a dirty little secret…nobody gives a rat’s ass about any of this, except your own choir, that is.  The American people can see though this nonsense like a recently windexed pane of glass…just as they were able to see the disaster of a potential Hillary Clinton presidency…California and New York notwithstanding.  And the more you all continue to erect The Great Wall of Hillary Excuses, you’re just cementing a second Trump term.  Talk about unintended consequences.  So in that light, I say…keep up the good work!

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