Obama’s Parting Shots

So much for that “smooth” transition, eh, Barry?  Our Crybaby-In-Chief, President Obama, apparently has nothing left in his toolbox but monkey wrenches.  He has been feverishly taking steps in recent weeks to throw in some 11th hour legacy enhancing items…at least in HIS mind…and purposely make life more difficult for President-Elect Trump in the process.  With the buzzer about to sound in the 4th quarter of his presidency, Mr. Obama is confronted with an absolutely crap choice as he comes upon the fork in the road while cruising down Legacy Highway…both leading to nowhere.  In President Obama’s final, desperate moments in the White House, what we are witnessing is the figurative flipping of the Monopoly board that is his failed presidency…

From “punishing” Vladimir Putin for alleged Russian hacking by expelling 35 diplomats from the U.S., to declaring massive amounts of lands and waters off-limits to energy production, to zillions of other midnight regulations, President Obama has certainly been a busy little beaver…not to mention how this has eaten into the precious time needed to work on his short game.  Outrageous as all of this is, what really creams my corn is the absolute screwing of one of our biggest allies, Israel.  But hasn’t this sort of thing really defined his presidency?  Making nice with countries like Iran and Cuba, and jamming a stick in the eyes of our friends?  Let us not forget that before Brexit passed, Obama said that the UK will go to the “back of the queue” for trade deals with the U.S. if they left the European Union.  What the hell kind of an asinine threat was that…to another one of our biggest allies?  Par for the course from where I sit, unfortunately.

In a nutshell…on December 23rd, the United States abstained from a United Nations Security Council resolution condemning Israel over its settlements on the West Bank and East Jerusalem, thereby allowing the pro-Palestinian resolution to pass.  Such an action by the U.S. is unheard of, and flies in the face of many decades of established U.S policy vis-a-vis Israel.  Our policy has generally been to veto U.N. resolutions seen as overly critical of Israel…particularly as it relates to land disputes. And the fact that this nonsense was perpetrated by Mr. Obama ON HIS WAY OUT THE DOOR makes it all the more disturbing.  A December 23rd Wall Street Journal editorial encapsulates the situation quite nicely...”It is important, though, to see this U.S. abstention as more than merely Mr. Obama’s petulance. What it reveals clearly is the Obama Administration’s animus against the state of Israel itself. No longer needing Jewish votes, Mr. Obama was free, finally, to punish the Jewish state in a way no previous President has done.” After the U.N. vote, it was initially reported that the White House decided to abstain (thereby allowing the resolution to pass) in retaliation against efforts by both Donald Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to kill the resolution.  Big Bad President Obama, while crapping on one of our biggest allies, got to show everyone he’s STILL the boss…yeah, we’re all impressed.  Oh, but it gets even better…In an interview with Fox News, David Keyes, spokesman for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, stated, “We have rather ironclad information from sources in both the Arab world and internationally that this was a deliberate push by the United States and in fact they helped create the resolution in the first place.”  Geez, Obama could have at least gotten them some nice Chinese takeout first before administering this royal screwing.  Israel has said they will share this information with (a much more Israel friendly) President-Elect Trump once he takes office. Quite predictably, the Obama Administration has instinctively employed the usual Clinton Mantra of “deny, deny, deny.”

We’ll see where all this goes down the road, but in a larger context, this is yet another example of the absolute hostility most liberals seem to have toward Israel…but of course, pretend not to. I mean, historical land disputes are one thing, but the Palestinians are people who spend ~10% of their national budget on terrorism, lob bombs at Israel indiscriminately, and if they had their way, would simply wipe Israel off the face of the map.  How nice.  Let’s be perfectly candid, shall we?  These “people”…and I use that term very loosely..are terrorists…period.  The pro-Palestinian stance displayed by most liberals historically is both nauseating and confounding. Then again, I never claimed any sort of ability to understand the liberal mind…I typically like to leave that to the mental health professionals. Equally perplexing is the fact that ~70% of Jewish people in the U.S. traditionally vote Democratic. Of all the many mysteries of the universe, these things are securely entrenched in my Top 5.

So…my personal message to Israel?  We feel ya…January 20th can’t come soon enough for us, either.


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