Obama’s Alt-Reality

Poor, poor President Obama.  His attempt last week at his final press conference to set the table for his “legacy” felt more like him yanking the tablecloth out from under it.  The verbal equivalent of spanx, to conceal, shall we say…the least flattering parts?  Sure, the hyper-partisan leftists tried in vain to not spill their latte’s as they cheered and high-fived, but other than them and the zombies that think the electoral college is an institution of higher learning, the rest of us were just sort of bewildered. And as President Obama seemed to take great pleasure in spreading his legacy feathers like a proud peacock, he must have just assumed that nobody had been paying much attention for the past eight years.  There’s not enough lipstick on the planet to smear on the pig that is the Obama legacy.  So let’s peel the onion back a bit on the nightmare of the past 8 years that is mercifully about to come to an end…

The Economy – We’ve heard this common refrain from Obama ad nauseam, and this swan song presser was certainly no exception…sub-5% unemployment rate, 70-something months of positive job growth, yada, yada, yada.  Wonderful.  All true statements.  Well, even the Gov’t will tell you that the REAL unemployment rate is about 10% due to the millions of folks who simply dropped out of the workforce due to lack of employment opportunities, and are no longer counted in the stats…the dreaded work force participation rate, which by the way has not been this low in about 40 years.  And because the economic “abyss” that President Obama single-handedly pulled us all out of was so severe, history says that the recovery should have been equally robust…except that it wasn’t.  Since the Gov’t began collecting yearly GDP stats in 1930, President Obama will likely become the first president since Herbert Hoover not to serve during a year in which the growth in real GDP was at least 3 percent.  Liberals like to describe this as “The New Normal.”  The rest of us who live in the real world describe it as pathetic.

In reality, it is simply the resilience of the U.S. economy that has enabled it to stay above water IN SPITE OF Obama’s awful left-wing, wet blanket policies of higher taxes, higher regulation, and the economically stifling effect of Obamacare.  Even the near trillion-dollar stimulus bill did little other than add to the mountain of debt.  It comes down to this…If Obama wants to crow about anything positive in the economy, then simply tell me one…JUST ONE…policy that came out of the White House that was economically stimulative in any way, shape or form.  Waiting.  Still waiting.  Bueller?  Bueller?

Energy Policy – This one’s another eye-roller.  Obama states, “We’ve cut our dependence on foreign oil by more than half…”  Thing is, had it not been for Obama’s kowtowing to his lefty tree-hugging donors, we may have gotten ALL of the way there.  Let’s see…eight years of limits or outright bans on any form of energy production on federal lands (including more bans on drilling in the Arctic and Atlantic just this week), as well as the near destruction of the coal industry.  How he says these things with a straight face is actually really impressive.  I’d hate to play this guy in Texas Hold’em.  Any good news on the energy front is due to the efforts of private industry, thank you very much.  Through years of crippling environmental regulations doled out by Obama and the EPA, the coal industry has been decimated…and Hillary obviously was chomping at the bit to further this effort, when, in referring to the transition to clean energy at a March town hall, she stated, “We’re going to put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business.”  Two peas in a liberal pod.  And she probably still thinks she lost Coal Country because of Russian hacking.

Foreign Policy – Ah, nothing like saving the best for last.  Now, do NOT take a swig of anything right before you read the following quote from Obama, lest you’ll spew it all out in laughter and make a mess on your nice clean floor…”Almost every country on Earth sees America as stronger and more respected today than they did eight years ago.”   Yeah, and Ivanka Trump and I are jetting off to Paris tonight on Trump-Force One for some escargot.  This got a big fat F on both the laugh and smell test, and was such a whopper of BS that I’m hearing Burger King is considering suing Mr. Obama for copyright infringement.  We’re all too aware of the Obama Hit Parade of Foreign Policy Failures…The empty rhetoric of the Syrian red-line, turning Libya into a terrorist breeding ground and refuge, Benghazi, failed Russian reset, proliferation of ISIS due to massive and telegraphed troop withdrawals in Iraq, toothless Iran deal, and normalized Cuba relations with nothing in return…not even a damn box of cigars.  The fact is that every bad actor in the world has been figuratively kicking sand in Obama’s face almost daily for eight years due to his weak and feckless foreign policy.  After Obama spewed this fantasy of a statement, he was seen galloping off to Liberal Utopia on his pet unicorn Lefty…who, of course, craps gold nuggets.

And finally…this VERY carefully worded statement…“No foreign terrorist organization has successfully planned and executed an attack on our homeland.”  Wow.  I guess ISIS inspired terrorists that are radicalized outside of the Middle East and use the world as their own personal slaughterhouse don’t count.  I’m sure the families of the dozens killed at the Pulse nightclub will be relieved to hear that.  Merry Christmas, Orlando!

Epilogue – So…first African-American president…check.  Threw Bin Laden’s worthless corpse to the sharks…check.  And the rest of it?  Well, Obama’s alternative reality, self back-patting, and revisionist history crapola is nothing more than political slight-of-hand dished out to us by the Magician-in Chief…I mean, Houdini had nothing on old Barry.  Thankfully, his final trick will be making himself disappear.

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