Daily Archives: December 21, 2016

Obama’s Alt-Reality

Poor, poor President Obama.  His attempt last week at his final press conference to set the table for his “legacy” felt more like him yanking the tablecloth out from under it.  The verbal equivalent of spanx, to conceal, shall we say…the least flattering parts?  Sure, the hyper-partisan leftists tried in vain to not spill their latte’s as they cheered and high-fived, but other than them and the zombies that think the electoral college is an institution of higher learning, the rest of us were just sort of bewildered. And as President Obama seemed to take great pleasure in spreading his legacy feathers like a proud peacock, he must have just assumed that nobody had been paying much attention for the past eight years.  There’s not enough lipstick on the planet to smear on the pig that is the Obama legacy.  So let’s peel the onion back a bit on the nightmare of the past 8 years that is mercifully about to come to an end… Continue reading