Delusion, Delirium, and Denial

I was actually starting to think that the hysterics of the Trump deniers were beginning to taper off, but I should have known better.  I’d really rather write about more substantive issues, but the endless opportunities to completely mock and ridicule the Democrats and the media as they continue to erect these pillars of excuses is just too delicious to pass up.  And truth be told, I’ve always been lacking in the will-power department.  The layering of excuses for Hillary’s historic defeat is piled higher than your grandmother’s lasagna.  It’s enough to make your head spin…Jim Comey, electoral college, fake news, Fox News blaring in every restaurant and bar in the country (Obama gets full credit for that one)….and, drumroll please…a blast from the not too distant past…Russian Hacking!  Let’s unpack some of this and talk about what the hell is REALLY going on…

As far as the alleged Russian hacking…this is OLD NEWS.  We all know that SOMEBODY hacked something…otherwise, there would not have been the daily Wikileaks releases the latter part of the campaign.  And while the CIA has apparently concluded that their belief is that it WAS the Russians, in an apparent attempt to help Mr. Trump…there is deep disagreement as to the latter point…intent.  This is disputed by both the FBI and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), which oversees the U.S. intelligence community.  So this is all very interesting, but what the hell does it have to do with the price of tea in China?  There has been zero evidence, nor is anyone making the claim, that actual voting machines…not even connected to the internet..were hacked.  Still, the Democrats and the media are purposely conflating the two…advancing the narrative that the alleged Russian hacking of the DNC and John Podesta’s emails ACTUALLY altered the outcome of the election.  An unprovable “flat earth” theory if I ever heard one.  Don’t quote me on this, but I THINK Obamacare will cover the cost of their straightjackets and rubber rooms.  And let’s be perfectly candid…the 24/7 obliteration of Donald Trump by the liberal mainstream media month after month…talk about fake news…was far more detrimental to Trump than the Wikileaks nonsense was to Princess Pantsuit, which simply confirmed what everyone knew…that the Democratic primary process was rigged against Bernie Sanders, and that there was massive collusion between the Clinton campaign and the media. Yaaaawn.  And Michael Moore needs to stop eating 47 Krispy Kreme’s every morning.  Tell me something I DON’T know.

This whole bitchy sort of drama has gone way beyond the whiny, leftist, safe space dwellers clinging to a bunch of lame excuses to explain why their miserably crappy candidate lost.  These leg-wetters have gone full-bore into not only aggressively attempting to delegitimize the entire election of Donald Trump…but to actually throwing multiple Hail Mary’s chasing their pipe dream of changing the election results.  The latest?  A letter sent by ten members of the electoral college to Director of National Intelligence James Clapper demanding an intelligence briefing on foreign interference in the election to determine if Mr. Trump “is fit to serve.”  And of course, the Clinton campaign…specifically John Podesta…enthusiastically, and in a flash, endorsed this excrement.  Remember crazy Jill Stein’s recount nonsense?  And the Clinton campaign quickly jumping on board?  Stevie Wonder could see THIS pattern.  But to what end? Well, rather obvious…get enough electors to change their votes to flip the election.  Uh, yeah, that’s happening…and I want to play shortstop for the Mets.  As a December 13th Wall Street Journal editorial so aptly states…“What should really distress Americans is that the losers are trying to overturn the election results based on little more than anonymous leaks and innuendo. Whatever Russia’s hacking motives, there is no evidence that the emails it turned up were decisive to the election result. Mr. Podesta is citing a CIA judgment that Americans have never seen and whose findings are vaguely public only because one or more unidentified officials chose to relate them to a few reporters last week.”  As if this exercise in futility couldn’t get any more ridiculous…nine of the ten electors that penned this letter to James Clapper are from states that Hillary WON…and one of them is Nancy Pelosi’s daughter!  Great punch line, don’t ya think?  They should have at least temporarily changed her name to Jane Doe.  So while the crybaby brigade marches further and further down the road to absurdity and irrelevance, Coach Trump is nearing completion of assembling his Cabinet Dream Team.  I think the technical term for all of this is “Last Laugh.”

Being an inquisitive sort of guy, I do wonder if these spineless liars have even a remote concept of how the whole country is laughing at them?  I mean, the machinations of the Democratic party that we are forced to endure are more embarrassing than standing in front of your Speech 101 class wearing a tutu.  And quite frankly, they are doing themselves irreparable harm as a party with all of these contortions…as if they’re not already deep into the crapper as it is, after grasping defeat from the jaws of victory on November 8th.  The adults have taken over, and the petulant toddlers in the Democratic Party need to stop their tantrum, have their bottle, get burped, and take a long nap until the electoral college finishes the job on December 19th. But if these lunatics insist on continuing to commit political suicide, then the rest of us should take great pleasure in handing them the noose.


As a Public Service Announcement, I feel it is my duty to bring something to everyone’s attention.  Do not be alarmed, but we might be on the cusp of experiencing a very real medical epidemic in this country…Liberal Instant Blindness Syndrome (L.I.B.S.).  It is starting to afflict those in my family and circle of friends who happen to be Trump hating liberals.  In a nutshell, every mention of anything “Trump” in the presence of liberals elicits such extreme eye rolls, causing the optic nerve to eventually snap, followed by the entire eyeball detaching and rolling back into the cavernous hollows that is the liberal brain to rattle around like a pinball machine for all of eternity, completely irretrievable.  While studies are ongoing, preliminary results indicate the danger zone occurring at about the 800th eye roll, give or take.  The silver lining, though, is that since these Libs are already blind figuratively, then literal blindness will be somewhat of a seamless transition.


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