Daily Archives: December 14, 2016

Delusion, Delirium, and Denial

I was actually starting to think that the hysterics of the Trump deniers were beginning to taper off, but I should have known better.  I’d really rather write about more substantive issues, but the endless opportunities to completely mock and ridicule the Democrats and the media as they continue to erect these pillars of excuses is just too delicious to pass up.  And truth be told, I’ve always been lacking in the will-power department.  The layering of excuses for Hillary’s historic defeat is piled higher than your grandmother’s lasagna.  It’s enough to make your head spin…Jim Comey, electoral college, fake news, Fox News blaring in every restaurant and bar in the country (Obama gets full credit for that one)….and, drumroll please…a blast from the not too distant past…Russian Hacking!  Let’s unpack some of this and talk about what the hell is REALLY going on… Continue reading