Pampers or Depends?

Paper or Plastic?  Boxers or Briefs?  Ginger or Mary Ann?  Ah, life is full of choices.  And in the case of the election crybabies…Pampers or Depends?  We know these bed-wetters are sporting SOME form of diaper.  Actually, the answer is obvious…these losers are not even close to graduating to the adult variety.  Enter Jill Stein, Green Party candidate, who has supposedly “raised” millions of dollars in an effort to initiate recounts in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania… based on claims of Russian hacking, or whatever else…for which there is zero evidence….and weeks after an already conceded election. This mental defective even described Fidel Castro upon his death as “a symbol of the struggle for justice.”  I think the clinical term is crackpot.  When you google the phrase “Bitches Be Crazy,” Stein’s picture engulfs your monitor. And by the way…Edith Bunker had nothing on this woman in the Dingbat department.  

As reported in the Washington Post on November 26th, Clinton campaign lawyer Marc Elias stated that Clinton officials had “quietly taken a number of steps in the last two weeks to rule in or out any possibility of outside interference in the vote tally in these critical battleground states.”  Hmmm.  So all of a sudden, Jill Stein, who wasn’t even a blip in the election results, raises millions of dollars for this recount effort?  She couldn’t raise two cents for her own campaign.  And while the Clinton campaign claimed to know nothing of this…they are now more than happy to participate in the proceedings.  Bizarre doesn’t begin to describe this Hail Mary. The only reasonable conclusion here is that the Clinton campaign, Jill Stein, and a “bankroller” like a George Soros were in cahoots in this scam from the get-go.  And Clinton’s campaign lawyer just coincidentally has worked with Soros in the past in legally challenging election laws in some states.  Are we getting this yet?  Clinton wouldn’t have wanted to look like a fool taking the lead on this with no actionable evidence…and that’s where liberal loony Jill Stein comes in…to be the sacrificial lamb.  This thing stinks more than a Mexican restaurant on 50 cent burrito night.  Although, this IS vintage Democrats, isn’t it?  Taking the entire world for complete idiots (No, really…high taxes AND over-regulation ARE great for the economy!).  I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall when these thumb-suckers were sipping latte’s in their safe space, somewhere deep in the bowels of Liberal Utopia, dreaming up this doozy.  Quite predictably, Donald Trump and others smeared all of their collective noses in the big, steamy pile of pre-election hypocrisy, as they were absolutely aghast when they thought Trump might not accept the election results.  This is nothing more than a fundraiser for the Green Party and an effort to delegitimize Trump, and for Hillary Clinton to glom onto this fraud after the fact diminishes her far beyond the humiliation of the electoral bitch-slapping handed to her by The Donald.  You’d think these Libs would want to spend their time on something more constructive…like fixing the failed Democratic party, which is in more shambles than Tokyo after Godzilla’s afternoon stroll.

Part two of the Dynamic Duo of Democratic Denial concerns the shrieks from the Left regarding the abolishment of the Electoral College (I touched on this in last week’s post).  Of course, not a single complaint about this BEFORE the election, when the consensus was that Trump had just one or two paths to an electoral victory, and Hillary had something in the neighborhood of infinity.  You could spend hours researching the Electoral College vs Popular Vote debate through a multitude of articles, academic studies, etc…but let me save you the time.  Here’s the money shot…as well as one of the main concerns of our very wise Founding Fathers…that is, to PREVENT just a few of the most populous cities from completely determining election outcomes, thereby disenfranchising the entire rest of the country.  In fact, while the spoiled brat Democrats are busy hyperventilating about not getting their way, they are too stupid to even realize that THIS election outcome is the poster child of an argument FOR the Electoral College. In today’s world, the Democrats have a HUGE advantage in both an electoral or popular vote scenario…driven primarily by Calif…the king of both electoral votes AND population…by far. Sure, you have your garden variety red and blue states, but when you take the most populous state, and couple it with the massive margin of victory (~30%), you have an undisputed case of one state clearly driving election results in a popular vote scenario.

Now, I’m going to get a little wonky with this and peel the onion back a smidge, so hang with me…preferably with a beer in your hand.  Let’s pretend for a moment that we had these same results under a popular vote scenario. Hillary won Calif by ~3.5 million votes, but wins the entire country by just 2 million votes or so…thereby losing the other 49 states by ~ 1.5 million votes…the EXACT scenario the Founding fathers were trying to prevent.  In the case of this election, the liberal elites and large Hispanic population in Calif would have clearly driven the result…a big middle finger to the other 98% of states.  And by the way, California’s 55 electoral votes gets Hillary 20% of the way there before the first vote is even cast, so what are they complaining about?  I mean, advantage Hillary, right?  And this case can be made without even discussing NY, which was the second highest margin of victory for Hillary (~1.5 million votes)…another populous state which Hillary won by 21%.  So we want the liberal elites in Manhattan and Malibu determining national elections…I don’t think so.  Since the number of electoral votes are currently set at the number of House seats for each state, plus two (for the two Senators each state has), there is at least some effort to equalize the smaller states with the much larger ones from an electoral standpoint.   The liberals will cry endlessly about disenfranchising a few voters who for some reason can’t seem to show an I.D., but they are on board with disenfranchising 60+ million voters because they can win the largest state by a massive margin…in an otherwise close popular vote.  Hypocrisy with a capital H…but what else would you expect from these phonies?

And speaking of hypocrisy…imagine for a moment Trump having lost and calling for multiple state recounts based on…well..nothing.  The righteous indignation expressed by the media and those on the left would shatter your eardrums.  Wadded up panties bigger than the Rock of Gibraltar. No such outrage now, though…it’s all good.  And even the Obama Administration concluded the election was free of interference.

In a larger context, though, what we’re seeing now is simply the Democratic party imploding like an old, crumbling building, and I for one am going to sit back with some popcorn, a killer IPA, and enjoy the show.

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