Daily Archives: November 30, 2016

Pampers or Depends?

Paper or Plastic?  Boxers or Briefs?  Ginger or Mary Ann?  Ah, life is full of choices.  And in the case of the election crybabies…Pampers or Depends?  We know these bed-wetters are sporting SOME form of diaper.  Actually, the answer is obvious…these losers are not even close to graduating to the adult variety.  Enter Jill Stein, Green Party candidate, who has supposedly “raised” millions of dollars in an effort to initiate recounts in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania… based on claims of Russian hacking, or whatever else…for which there is zero evidence….and weeks after an already conceded election. This mental defective even described Fidel Castro upon his death as “a symbol of the struggle for justice.”  I think the clinical term is crackpot.  When you google the phrase “Bitches Be Crazy,” Stein’s picture engulfs your monitor. And by the way…Edith Bunker had nothing on this woman in the Dingbat department.   Continue reading