Post Election Potpourri…The Sequel

I’m not typically what one would consider a risk taker.  But I’m going to smash right through that mold by presenting a sequel to last week’s post…a risky proposition, for sure, as often movie sequels completely suck compared to the original.  I mean, Caddyshack II?  Gimme a break.  Sequels often have “#2” in the title for a reason.  If the worst DOES happen, though, and I deliver a big crap sandwich, I will either pick myself up off the floor to write another day…OR I will journey to the nearest safe space at the local university and curl up for a while in the fetal position…if I can find any unoccupied floor space, that is.  Anyway, there has been such a continual seepage of post-election BS that I find so objectionable, I simply cannot restrain myself.  And while they say things often come in “3’s,” I promise…this one won’t.

Hamilton Harassment – Let me begin with the one that really steams my giblets (apologize for that gratuitous Thanksgiving reference).  By far the least consequential item in the whole big scheme of things, but for me, the most infuriating.  Vice President-elect Mike Pence attended the Broadway musical Hamilton with his family last week in NYC.  A mix of cheers and jeers upon entering the theater.  Fine.  However, during the curtain call at the conclusion of the show, one of the lead actors stops to single out Mike Pence, and read the following statement…“We, sir — we — are the diverse America who are alarmed and anxious that your new administration will not protect us, our planet, our children, our parents, or defend us and uphold our inalienable rights,” he said. “We truly hope that this show has inspired you to uphold our American values and to work on behalf of all of us.”   Now, lefty subversives lecturing Americans is pretty par for the course these days, and this schmuck certainly has 1st Amendment rights to say whatever the hell he wants, even to the new Vice President.  But in THAT venue, to single out and embarrass a guest at your stupid, overpriced show and lecture him in front of the crowd is beyond rude.  Regardless of what this jerk-off thinks about Mike Pence politically, Mr. Pence, a decent man and a gentleman if there ever was one, deserves to go enjoy an evening out with his family AT A NON-POLITICAL EVENT, and not have to endure this crap.  But that’s what arrogant, know-it-all, liberals do…when they’re not busy getting their diapers changed in their safe spaces, of course.  Conservative political commentator Pat Buchanan said it best in his recent column, when he opined, “The arrogance, the assumed posture of moral superiority, the conceit of our cultural elite, on exhibit on that stage Friday night, is what Americans regurgitated when they voted for Donald Trump.  Yet the conduct of the “Hamilton” cast puts us on notice. The left neither accepts its defeat nor the legitimacy of Trump’s triumph.”  Sounds about right.

Trump Transition – Barely a week into Trump’s transition activities, the mainstream media was already declaring the process as slow and chaotic.  Really?  Right now, in fact, Trump’s filling of Cabinet positions and other high level advisory slots is progressing faster than most of the previous administrations going to back to that peanut farmer, Jimmy Carter.  Are these media pukes ever going to realize that they have so damaged themselves with their biased and hostile reporting that nobody believes anything the say other than their own brain-washed lefty choir? Even Obama Senior Advisor and loyalist David Axelrod called BS on the media on this one, when he tweeted, “We hadn’t made any major appointments at this point in 2008. I don’t remember being criticized for it.”  So, for a guy like this to call out the dishonest media here is pretty damn powerful…and refreshing.

Misfit Mayors – So, a bunch of Mayors of sanctuary cities have banded together, and reiterated their intent to continue to defy federal immigration law…most notably Rahm Emanuel in the killing fields of Chicago and Comrade Bill de Blasio in NY.  No longer will they have Barry Obama and his so-called Justice Department to provide cover for them to only selectively enforce laws that are consistent with their lefty, progressive agenda.  There’s a new sheriff in town, and Sheriff Trump is going to do his best David Copperfield impression and make their federal funding disappear…unless they comply with federal immigration law.  Seriously, how many more Kate Steinle’s do there need to be before these morons wake up?  Sadly, I suppose, when their own daughters gets gunned down in the street by a criminal illegal alien that was previously deported six times.

And while on the subject…here’s the dirty little secret that EVERYBODY knows…do you think for a New York minute that any of these liberal phonies give a rat’s ass about illegal Mexican and Central American immigrants…or the poor Syrian refugees, for that matter?  Nah.  These people are nothing more than a big, fat, future voting constituency that they can shower with freebies in return for their decades of votes.  Period.  Am I impugning the motives of these snowflake liberals?  Damn right I am.  Consider the decades of pandering by the Democratic Party to African-Americans, and for what?  Every economic stat as it relates to blacks is in the tank…and has been for eons.  Liberal politicians have been squawking about rebuilding the inner cities for decades….words emptier than a keg after a Saturday night frat party.  If it wasn’t so sad it would be laughable.

Constitution Change? – Wow, these Democrats just cannot break out of the denial phase, can they?  Makes sense, I guess, that the residents of Liberal Utopia just cannot seem to deal with reality.  Hey, what can I say, I’m enjoying it.  Now they’re crying about the electoral college…which is absolutely mind-boggling given the massive electoral advantage ANY Democrat has given today’s demographic shifts…until Trump came along, of course.  From where I sit, they needed to change their candidate, NOT the Constitution.  Hillary won the popular vote by a small margin due to the heavily populous and liberal states of NY and Calif….which is exactly why the quite prescient Founding Fathers devised the electoral college…so a small handful of populous cities don’t disenfranchise the rest of the country.  And the ever myopic liberals don’t even consider the fact that both campaigns would have been run completely differently under a popular vote scenario, thereby making THAT result totally unpredictable and unknown.

Thanksgiving Tip –  Lastly, there has been much discussion in the media regarding how to deal with potentially uncomfortable, if not contentious, political discussions around the Thanksgiving table.  What I’ve heard has been nothing but a bunch of theoretical psycho-babble by a gaggle of know-it-alls who spent WAY too much money on their Psychology degrees.  There is just one tried and true method that works 100% of the time…DON’T INVITE ANY LIBERALS! Common sense, people. But if you choose not to heed this sage advice…just think twice before taking a pass on the dark meat, lest you might be branded a racist.  And nobody wants that on Thanksgiving.

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