Daily Archives: November 22, 2016

Post Election Potpourri…The Sequel

I’m not typically what one would consider a risk taker.  But I’m going to smash right through that mold by presenting a sequel to last week’s post…a risky proposition, for sure, as often movie sequels completely suck compared to the original.  I mean, Caddyshack II?  Gimme a break.  Sequels often have “#2” in the title for a reason.  If the worst DOES happen, though, and I deliver a big crap sandwich, I will either pick myself up off the floor to write another day…OR I will journey to the nearest safe space at the local university and curl up for a while in the fetal position…if I can find any unoccupied floor space, that is.  Anyway, there has been such a continual seepage of post-election BS that I find so objectionable, I simply cannot restrain myself.  And while they say things often come in “3’s,” I promise…this one won’t. Continue reading