Post Election Potpourri

Interesting word…potpourri.  No, I’m not talking about that dried flower petal fragrant stuff crammed into a jar and often found lurking near the commode…for obvious reasons.  In a different context, though, it’s the perfect word to describe all of the mutually exclusive post-election mishmash swimming around in my head.   So while there are a multitude of interesting circumstances and observations emanating from the ashes of the election after-party, hopefully I’ll touch on a few that may have been simmering in your own subconscience.  In no particular order, let the post-mortem begin…

Why Hillary Thinks She Lost – Let’s see…awful, lying, corrupt, scandal ridden candidate with no coherent message…other than I’m a woman, and it’s my turn.  Basket of Deplorables. Obamacare disaster.  And as obvious as a brick through a window that she didn’t have a chance in hell of exciting African-American voters a la Barack Obama, which translated to a crappy turnout in cities like Philly, Detroit, and Milwaukee.  Thus, she lost those Rust Belt states, and abracadabra, we now have President Trump.  Am I getting warm?  Seems Hillary…apparently lacking a mirror…predictably avoids the whole self-reflection thing and squarely lays the blame at the feet of FBI Director Jim Comey, and his momentary re-opening of her email inquiry. Never mind that he reversed himself a week later, and the polls were seriously tightening before any of this.  And it was already baked in the cake whether voters thought she was a corrupt liar…or didn’t.  Whatever.  Last time I looked, it wasn’t against the law to be delusional.  The good news is that Hillary will thankfully have a lot of time on her hands to discuss all of this with her grandkids and/or therapist.

Protests and Beatings and Flag-Burning!  Oh My! – Did you catch the video of a white man in Chicago beaten by a pack of black dudes for nothing more than wearing a Trump hat?  Almost zero coverage in the MSM (other than Fox, of course).  You see, it just didn’t fit in with their liberal agenda…so it didn’t happen.  Can you imagine if the shoe was on the other foot?  Heads exploding.  Leading the network news.  Above the fold coverage in every major newspaper. Obama sending the Justice Dept to Chicago.  Oh wait…I think I hear something.  Never mind…just crickets chirping.  Par for the course for the dishonest, corrupt media.  The most hilariously ironic aspect of this is that the MSM is too damn stupid to realize that they themselves were instrumental in getting Trump elected.  The backfire of the century.

And we know the drill with these faux protests, don’t we?  Some significant segment of which are professional agitators paid for by the likes of billionaire Socialist George Soros, and other subversive organizations.  As for the unpaid ones…their perpetration of violence in many cases precludes them from hiding behind the First Amendment.  Once these America-Hating twerps are done having their little tantrums, and the mob inevitably shrinks to just a few guys that really need a shower, they will all crawl back under the anarchistic rock from which they came. My last message to these TRUE irredeemable deplorables…love it or leave it, bitches.  And I’m praying for the latter.

Bandwagon Jumpers – Everyone tries to put a happy face on all of the political heavyweights in the Republican Party that called President-elect Trump to offer their congratulations on his historic victory.  Nice gesture I suppose…except many of these cowards didn’t even have the stones to ACTUALLY vote for him.  All of the Bush’s, John Kasich (who didn’t lift a finger to help Trump in Ohio), many congressional Republicans, and others.  You know, when the going gets tough, the tough get going.  I think Bluto in Animal House coined that phrase.  Anyway, these “Republicans” who just couldn’t bring themselves to support the nominee of the party are kind of dead to me.  A bit harsh, you say?  I think not.  They, in effect, gave a big middle finger to the hard-working Americans who MADE Trump the nominee.  So right now, I’ll show them about as much respect as they showed Republican primary voters.  Their face-saving congratulatory calls ring hollower than an empty keg of brew.  As far as I’m concerned, they should have saved their dime.

Harry Reid – This disgusting moron deserves a category unto himself.  Let’s travel north a bit up the Repulse-O-Meter and examine brain-damaged Socialist Senator Harry Reid, who regurgitated this beauty…“If this is going to be a time of healing, we must first put the responsibility for healing where it belongs: at the feet of Donald Trump, a sexual predator who lost the popular vote and fueled his campaign with bigotry and hate.”  Nice.  Oh, and one more…“President-elect Trump’s choice of Steve Bannon as his top aide signals that White Supremacists will be represented at the highest levels in Trump’s White House.”  I think for starters, a straightjacket and frontal lobotomy might be in order.  There is no word that exists in the English language vile enough to describe this piece of dog squeeze.  The (mercifully retiring) Senate Minority Leader spewing this hateful vitriol against the President-elect is beyond stunning.  This classless, worthless piece of trash is smaller than a zit on a flea’s ass.  Reid, the liberal media, and the violent protesters are simply a trifecta of petulant, crybaby, two-year-olds who are a total embarrassment to the country…and themselves.

That Damn Electoral Map – Since The Drunken Republican is honest to a fault, I will offer a major mea culpa on this one.  Early on, although I liked Trump, I fell victim to the conventional wisdom that deemed him unelectable.  I surmised that Rubio or Kasich would be best equipped to show Hillary the door.  Boy, was I wrong…until I saw the light.  So, from my Monday Morning Quarterbacking Easy Chair, I can now proclaim that Trump was the only Republican that could have blow up that seemingly set in cement electoral map to emerge victorious.

By the way, Hillary actually won the popular vote by a few hundred thousand votes out of something north of 120 million total votes…but if you exclude NY and Calif, Trump won by ~4 million votes.  Not cherry picking, but certainly a different perspective.  It’s NY and Calif, after all, that gives the Democrats their gigantic electoral advantage, and most certainly inflates her popular vote…in a meaningless sort of way.  Hillary had endless paths to victory because of the electoral map, NOT because she was a good candidate.

Party Switcheroo – Pre-election, the Dems anticipated a landslide and gleefully spoke of the demise of the Republican Party after a crushing Trump defeat…well, now… not so much.  As we speak, the Democratic party is more tattered than a homeless dude’s flannel shirt.  After a humiliating defeat in the general election, the Democratic party has no message and no leader. In a stunning turn of events, as they say, the GOP is in a pretty darn good place…in power, united, and with a huge new voting constituency…the working middle class…snatched from the Democrats while they were robotically assembling The Hildabeasts’s transition team.  If the Dems decide to move further left and become the party of Bernie Sanders and Lizzy Warren, stick a fork in ’em.

What Goes Around Comes Around – Elections have consequences, and at the end of the day, I won.– President Obama to House Republican Whip Eric Cantor, January 23, 2009.  Indeed.  I have to say that all of the post-election speeches by Trump, Obama, and Clinton struck exactly the right conciliatory, uniting tone…regardless of what they were REALLY saying behind closed doors.  To say this was a tough, hard-fought campaign is the understatement of the year.  It was downright nasty and personal.  But in the end, the will of the people should be respected…period.  And that is the sentiment all of these leaders were conveying to us.  And that is what makes America exceptional and second to none.  And that, I think, we can all agree on.

1 thought on “Post Election Potpourri

  1. Phillip Bartling

    Hey Mike, like your stuff. If you will monitor my FB page, I leave a thought of the day almost every day. You might get some ideas for future blogs from it.


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