And THAT’s Why They Play the Game…

It wasn’t supposed to happen…until it did.  In sports, we’ve all seen teams that were insanely heavy favorites, only to go down in crushing defeat to a heavy underdog.  And THAT’s why they play the game.  To the Clintonites, Election Day was to be nothing more than a formality. Trump’s improbable victory, against all odds, will go down as one of the most, if not THE most historic presidential triumphs of all time.  But as stunning as all of this is, it makes total sense, doesn’t it?  Along the way, every single morsel of conventional political wisdom has been wrong. It is absolutely counter-intuitive that all of a sudden we should believe the pollsters, the liberal media, and political “experts” telling us that Clinton would run away with this thing…based on nothing more than an extrapolation of historical norms.  These are the very same people who told us repeatedly that Trump had zero chance of getting the nomination.  Now, I’m surely no genius (to which most folks that know me will enthusiastically attest), but I saw the real possibility of this clear as day.  The only true uncertainty surrounded the seemingly insurmountable challenge of the electoral map.

While Hillary Clinton was measuring the curtains in the White House, Donald Trump was busy understanding the plight of the downtrodden working middle class.  And making THEM believe he understood them – and in the end, would help them.  The folks up in the Rust Belt in particular proved critical in pushing Trump over the top.  Their manufacturing jobs disappeared due to bad trade deals, as did many of their high paying jobs in the coal industry…the latter, thanks to Obama and his environmentalist, tree-hugging, big money donors.  The Donald gave this new Republican voting constituency, the modern day Reagan Democrats, a nice wink and a nod in his post-election speech when he said, “The forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer.”  No more would the tired platitudes and meaningless rhetoric spewed by liberal elites such as Hillary Clinton hold any water with these hard-working folks…condescendingly referred to throughout the campaign as “uneducated racist white voters” who don’t know any better.  But what these arrogant, pompous elites don’t understand is that you don’t need a graduate degree from Harvard to be able to see that you’re being insulted and exploited.  Their education from The School of Hard Knocks is all that was needed to see through the BS…and to say resoundingly, no more.

The past 8 years have been nothing more than Barack Obama’s Liberal Utopian vision of big government, high taxes, burdensome regulation, and leading from behind.  The so-called “uneducated voter” must have had just enough education somewhere along the line to figure out that liberal polices have always, and will always, fail.  Funny how the Einsteins of the liberal elite, blinded by their ideology, have NEVER figured this out…and surely, never will.  So, while the result of this election first and foremost represented a massive repudiation of Obama’s “my way or the highway” uber-liberal policies…it was really far more than that.  Trump’s nomination itself was a stick in the eye to the big government Republican establishment.  Additionally, this was a total rejection of the liberal elites and the biased, corrupt media…lecturing us all on how we should think, and constantly shoving political correctness down our throats.  And then cavalierly branding you as a stupid, bigoted racist if you dare not drink their liberal Kool-Aid. Modern day Fascism in our own country?  The thought police?  You bet. These SOB’s cloak themselves in diversity, but sadly, not diversity of thought.

Trump’s leadership and strength…attributes sorely lacking inside the walls of the White House the past 8 years…will be a welcome addition.  Predictably though, the liberal snowflakes don’t seem to share this view, as the leg-wetting has begun in a big way.  Sure, there’s been your garden-variety riots and walk-outs across various campuses of higher education throughout the country.  Apparently, these spineless beings emerged from their safe spaces just long enough to see the final election results.  My favorite, though, is the meltdown on that faux news network, MSNBC, by Rachel Maddow (I hate that guy).  As the network was about to confirm the election of Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton, Maddow states, “You’re awake by the way. You’re not having a terrible, terrible dream. Also you’re not dead and you haven’t gone to hell.  This is your life now, this is our election now, this is us, this is our country – it’s real.”   What a class act.   Walter Cronkite must be spinning in his grave.

Finally, I would be remiss if I didn’t give a shout out to the Hollywood pukes who have threatened, en masse, to exit the country as a result of Trump’s victory.  Promises, promises. Why not just go the full monty and renounce your citizenship?  That would suit me just fine. What these self-absorbed, narcissistic Socialists don’t seem to realize is that nobody would give a rat’s ass if they moved to friggin’ Mars.

I for one am more hopeful and optimistic about the future of our country than I have been in many, many years.  President-elect Trump.  Has a nice ring to it.

Finally.  Hope and change.  How ironic.


1 thought on “And THAT’s Why They Play the Game…

  1. Johnny Utah

    Fantastic close. Ironic how people voted for hope and change 8 years ago and they’ll finally be getting it now. What the idiots in the MSM as well as the “educated” didn’t realize was that calling people racist, uneducated, xenophobic and sexist bigots for merely supporting someone that makes a lot of common sense arguments wouldn’t encourage them to switch their vote or stay home. All it did was at best rule them up by insulting them and and worst force them into irrationally being ashamed of their vote and not admitting or being open about it until going into that polling station. This is truly a change election for the “forgotten” (and no, that doesn’t mean white) for not only the US but the world overall when you factor in the Brexit vote. Truly proud of my country today. Finally woke up and saw what was going on and decided to change it. Our government wasn’t designed to function well with a passive constituency – we are to blame for them massive corruption by our apathy. Hopefully we’ve done something here to begin to correct that and; more importantly, Trump follows through on half the promises he makes in his contract with the American voter:


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