Daily Archives: November 10, 2016

And THAT’s Why They Play the Game…

It wasn’t supposed to happen…until it did.  In sports, we’ve all seen teams that were insanely heavy favorites, only to go down in crushing defeat to a heavy underdog.  And THAT’s why they play the game.  To the Clintonites, Election Day was to be nothing more than a formality. Trump’s improbable victory, against all odds, will go down as one of the most, if not THE most historic presidential triumphs of all time.  But as stunning as all of this is, it makes total sense, doesn’t it?  Along the way, every single morsel of conventional political wisdom has been wrong. It is absolutely counter-intuitive that all of a sudden we should believe the pollsters, the liberal media, and political “experts” telling us that Clinton would run away with this thing…based on nothing more than an extrapolation of historical norms.  These are the very same people who told us repeatedly that Trump had zero chance of getting the nomination.  Now, I’m surely no genius (to which most folks that know me will enthusiastically attest), but I saw the real possibility of this clear as day.  The only true uncertainty surrounded the seemingly insurmountable challenge of the electoral map. Continue reading