Cry Me A River, Hillary

I can’t tell you how long I’ve been waiting for this day.  What we are seeing unfold before our very eyes is the inevitable collapse of the Corrupt Clinton Empire.  It all started as a tiny snowball rolling down a mountain unobstructed, growing larger and larger into a massive, unstoppable force.  The drip, drip, drip of the daily Wikileaks revelations detailing government corruption at the highest levels, a White House and Justice Dept fully in the tank for Hillary, blatant media collusion with the Clinton Campaign, Clinton Foundation corruption, Obamacare imploding, and on and on.  What has brought this to very possibly the point of no return in terms of the Clinton’s being able to salvage their decades old corrupt political machine is the stunning letter submitted by FBI Director James Comey to Congress indicating his reopening of the Clinton email investigation.  I sense this is the beginning of the end for the Crooked Clinton’s and their minions.  Seems the FBI inadvertently came across a whole treasure trove of new, “pertinent” emails while investigating Clinton’s long time aide Huma Abedin’s pervy soon-to-be ex-husband and ex-NY Congressman Anthony Weiner for allegedly sexting with underage girls.  Why couldn’t his name just have been Smith?  Oh, let me answer that one…because this is WAY more fun.  You just can’t make this stuff up, folks.

The absolute hysteria coming from the Clinton Campaign and Democrats in general is both laughable, and completely predictable.  They loved Jim Comey back in July when he declared there would be no charges filed against Hillary…curiously just a few days after Bill Clinton jumps on Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s plane on a tarmac in Phoenix to supposedly discuss golf and grandkids.  Right.  What kind of buck-toothed morons do they think we are?  If that’s not corruption of the highest levels of government, I don’t know what is.  And the media’s more worried about finding women that Donald Trump called fat 20 years ago.  The most egregious example of this leg-wetting hysteria, though, comes from none other than partisan hack Harry Reid (D-Nev), who penned a letter to Mr. Comey, stating, “I am writing to inform you that my office has determined that these actions may violate the Hatch Act, which bars FBI officials from using their official authority to influence an election. Through your partisan actions, you may have broken the law.”   Really?  This is ridiculous on its face.  Even President Obama is not on the same page with THAT nonsense.  And Harry, as I know you have Amazon Prime, your straight-jacket should be arriving any moment now…love that free shipping!  But until then, just stay away from sharp instruments.  And maybe increase the order to a quantity of two so we can send one to longtime Democratic strategist and Clinton surrogate James Carville, who blathered on MSNBC the other day about this being an anti-Clinton conspiracy involving The FBI, House Republicans…and of course, the KGB…the Soviet Security Agency disbanded in 1991. Idiotic, paranoid, and desperate doesn’t begin to describe these Clinton lemmings.

So here’s my no spin take on all of this.  Whether Jim Comey took this action or not, he’s going to get killed…figuratively speaking, of course.  By the Democrats as we are witnessing now…or by the Republicans had he sat on this until after the election.  So there is a canceling out of sorts in terms of which side he ultimately would get hammered by.  By taking this action now, I believe he somewhat salvages what was a stellar reputation by taking a bit of a mulligan and not succumbing to political pressure from the White House and Justice Department as he had done back in July.  There has been much reporting of a near mutiny among FBI agents over the total politicization of the FBI as it relates to this email investigation and initially letting Clinton off the hook.  And despite the cries of such an action being taken so close to a presidential election as unprecedented…it simply isn’t.  In fact, the exact same thing happened 24 years ago in the 1992 election between Bill Clinton and George H.W. Bush.  Four days before the election, a special prosecutor indicted Bush in the Iran-Contra probe, the controversial arms for hostages deal during the Reagan-Bush administration.  Many people attribute this to Bush losing that election. Well, THIS 11th hour revelation was just friggin’ hunky dory with the Democrats back in 1992, evidenced by Bill Clinton, who took enough time away from his daily skirt chasing to utter the following quote –...President Bush has not been telling the truth when he says he was out of the loop.  It demonstrates that President Bush knew and approved of President Reagan’s secret deal to swap arms for hostages.”  These charges were dropped a couple of months later. Anyway, enough of the history lesson.  The point is that the Democrats now going apoplectic over this exact same situation is nothing more that the typical liberal hypocrisy and double standard.  So please…just spare us the crocodile tears Libs, because you’re REALLY starting to embarrass yourselves.

Anyone with a modicum of intellectual honesty gets all this…regardless of what side of the aisle you’re sitting on.  It was bound to happen…a power player, in this case the FBI Director, going rogue and not bending over to the political pressure exerted by the Clinton Machine.  Wish I could say as much for Loretta Lynch and the Justice Dept, who warned Mr. Comey NOT to move forward with his letter to Congress.  Trump was moving up in the polls in a pretty big way BEFORE any of this.  Despite Trump’s tailwinds at the moment, his electoral challenge is still quite daunting.  And one last little tidbit that should scare anyone straight if they are still unsure about Trump.  If Hillary is elected AND gets charged with anything, she will possibly be able to pardon herself.  If that thought doesn’t make you want to throw up, then you either: 1) Have a cast iron stomach, or 2) Are a Hillary supporter.

Lastly, awesome Republican Congressman Trey Gowdy of South Carolina said it best on Fox & Friends Tues morning when responding to the vicious attacks on Jim Comey by the Dopey Democrats and the Collapsing Clinton Campaign, when he said, “Well, to the best of my recollection, Director Comey did not tell her to set up her own private email server, he did not tell her to lie about almost every aspect of the email, he didn’t tell Huma Abedin not to turn over all of her devices, and he didn’t tell Anthony Weiner to sext with underage girls, so I don’t know how Jim Comey is responsible for any of this.”






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