Daily Archives: November 2, 2016

Cry Me A River, Hillary

I can’t tell you how long I’ve been waiting for this day.  What we are seeing unfold before our very eyes is the inevitable collapse of the Corrupt Clinton Empire.  It all started as a tiny snowball rolling down a mountain unobstructed, growing larger and larger into a massive, unstoppable force.  The drip, drip, drip of the daily Wikileaks revelations detailing government corruption at the highest levels, a White House and Justice Dept fully in the tank for Hillary, blatant media collusion with the Clinton Campaign, Clinton Foundation corruption, Obamacare imploding, and on and on.  What has brought this to very possibly the point of no return in terms of the Clinton’s being able to salvage their decades old corrupt political machine is the stunning letter submitted by FBI Director James Comey to Congress indicating his reopening of the Clinton email investigation.  I sense this is the beginning of the end for the Crooked Clinton’s and their minions.  Seems the FBI inadvertently came across a whole treasure trove of new, “pertinent” emails while investigating Clinton’s long time aide Huma Abedin’s pervy soon-to-be ex-husband and ex-NY Congressman Anthony Weiner for allegedly sexting with underage girls.  Why couldn’t his name just have been Smith?  Oh, let me answer that one…because this is WAY more fun.  You just can’t make this stuff up, folks. Continue reading