Third Time’s a Charm

Finally.  This third and final Trump/Clinton debate proved to be the most fair and substantive…by far.  Legendary journalist Chris Wallace was the true winner of the night, and quite frankly, embarrassed and put to shame the previous Hillary loving, hack journalists that moderated the first two debates.  Universal praise from both sides.  Fair and tough questions, zero favoritism, feet held to the fire…and even some semblance of order.  Quite predictably, the mainstream media chose to give Hillary a complete pass on her numerous “non-answers” as it related to the gobs of uncomfortable issues and scandals she was confronted with.  However, the ridiculous headline out of the debate was Trump’s refusal to prematurely declare the election results acceptable…just that he would have to basically wait & see.  Not an imprudent position, given THE NEWS OF THE DAY…namely, the Project Veritas videos showing high level Democratic operatives explaining on hidden camera how to perpetrate voter fraud!  Add to that the historical backdrop of Al Gore and John Kerry, who each claimed their respective elections in 2000 and 2004 (both vs George W. Bush) were stolen from them.  Given the proper context around this admittedly non-political response by Trump, the mountain of wadded up mainstream media panties over this is truly stunning.

It’s nothing short of scandalous that the media ignores high level Democratic operatives on hidden camera talking about how to rig elections, as well as planting people at Trump rallies to provoke conflict in an effort to create the false narrative that Trump supporters are violent. Excuse me, but conspiracy to incite violence is illegal, right?  Thanks to Obama The Puppeteer, though, the eunuchs over at the FBI and Justice Dept are completely impotent on matters such as this.  Oh…but if all this corruption was damaging to the other team, you can bet your life that Obama and the media would swarm like a bunch of vultures feasting on road kill.  But alas, the disinterested media is probably off looking for some woman who Donald Trump may have called fat, I mean calorically challenged, 20 years ago…other than Rosie O’Donnell, of course. Been there, done that.

As far as the more substantive issues, Trump buried her.  When asked about the Clinton Foundation and “Pay for Play,” she had no response.  When she was exposed for supporting late-term abortion (which most of the country is against), she had no response.  When confronted with the Wikileaks revelation of her dream of open borders, she again had no coherent response.  When hit yet again that her & Obama were responsible for the rise of ISIS…just some inappropriate smiles.  And when challenged by Trump to return the tens of millions of dollars given to the Clinton Foundation by human rights violators such as Saudi Arabia and Qatar…countries who throw gays off of buildings and treat women like dirt on a daily basis…she stood there like a potted plant.  Are we getting this yet?

Of course, the post-debate media spin surrounding all of this was totally predictable.  In an effort to block out any discussion of the substance of the debate where “Status Quo Hillary” so miserably fails, the media latches on to some Trump quote that they deem controversial…in this case the one concerning accepting election results…and makes it the page one story.  The proverbial shiny penny.  But even Joe Scarborough over at MSNBC calls out the BS on this one. Joe states, “…and it’s just another example of the media having to find a little phrase and freak out. When as a Republican I have listened to Democrats talk about the only two times we won the White House in like 800 years that we stole both elections…Democrats have been whining for 16 years, they are still writing articles about how Bush stole the elections in 2000 and 2004. So this holier than though attitude about, “this is the first time anyone has suggested that the election is not a sacrosanct process,” it’s a joke. So you guys bathe in that hypocrisy if you want to, I’d just like to hear how the debate went. Go ahead, bathe.”  Quite gratifying to see Joe shine the light of hypocrisy on his socialist colleagues over at that lefty propagandist network.  They were last seen all scurrying to their safe spaces.

As a non-politician, these debates were certainly not Trump’s forte.  As he had fallen behind in the polls, the media completely set him up to fail by declaring the narrative to be that he had to deliver a “knockout punch” to stay in the race.  Not sure how possible that ever was, going up against a slick politician with 30 years of experience…generically speaking.  The more realistic bar to set was for Trump to successfully go toe to toe with her, which he clearly did…and then some…particularly in debates 2 & 3.

It also occurs to me that with the end of debate season comes Hillary’s challenge to invent some alternate pretense for her nap time other than “debate prep.”

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